#Geokomunita in cooperation with kiwi.com, @missingmaps.sk Missing Maps Brno Missing Maps Olomouc and Doctors without borders #msf are preparing #Bratislava #MissingMaps #mapathon hybrid in Slovak and Czech language. You can register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/missing-maps-mapathon-bratislava-11-tickets-617073412187?aff=enosmtown
#geokomunita #msf #bratislava #missingmaps #mapathon
Department of #Geography Faculty of Science Masaryk University in cooperation with Missing Maps Brno, #geokomunita, Missing Maps Slovakia, Doctors without borders #msf, Missing Maps Olomouc are preparing #Brno #MissingMaps mapathon hybrid in Slovak and Czech language. You can register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/breznovy-brnensky-missing-maps-mapathon-na-geografickem-ustavu-tickets-589721200987?aff=enosmtown
#geography #geokomunita #msf #brno #missingmaps
Médecins Sans Frontières #msf in cooperation with #Geomatika #CVUT @missingmaps_sk #geokomunita are preparing the hybrid #MissingMaps #mapathon in Czech and Slovak language on March 9 at Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Czech Technical University in #Praha and also via #zoom. You can register: https://bit.ly/mmm-praha202303-registration
#msf #geomatika #cvut #geokomunita #missingmaps #mapathon #praha #zoom
Médecins Sans Frontières #msf in cooperation with #Geomatika #CVUT @missingmaps_sk #geokomunita are preparing the hybrid #MissingMaps #mapathon in Czech and Slovak language on March 9 at Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Czech Technical University in #Praha and also via #zoom. You can register: https://bit.ly/mmm-praha202303-registration
#msf #geomatika #cvut #geokomunita #missingmaps #mapathon #praha #zoom