Then in 2009 with #posterous, a #Tumblr competitor, and an #iphone, you could email #GoogleMaps locations, photos, video, text, voice etc to your account and they'd be autoformatted into posts, essentially #LiveBlogging my #investigation from the field with #geolocations and #RichMedia.
#journalism #CivilRights #ColdCases #RacistViolence #mississippi #histodons #blogging #SocialMedia #nptech
#posterous #tumblr #iphone #googlemaps #liveblogging #investigation #geolocations #richmedia #Journalism #civilrights #coldcases #racistviolence #mississippi #histodons #blogging #socialmedia #nptech
Want to learn more abou #geolocations and improve your #OSINT skills?
Here are six really useful geolocation tools that you might not be aware of.
New blog post here: