‘’Yosemite's popular "Super Slide" rock climbing area closed due to growing crack in cliff in "Royal Arches"’’ #GeologicHazards https://www.cbsnews.com/news/yosemites-super-slide-rock-climbing-area-closed-growing-crack-cliff-royal-arches/
Mountains Are Collapsing - A Swiss Mountain Peak Fell Apart, Sending 3.5 Million Cubic Feet Of Rock Into The Valley Below - Scientists Warn Climate Change Could Make More Mountains Crumble.
https://www.businessinsider.com/mountains-switzerland-collapsing-from-permafrost-melt-2023-8 <-- shared media article
#GIS #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #prediction #geology #engineeringgeology #massmovement #global #landslide #debrisflow #mudslide #mountain #cryosphere #glacier #snow #ice #permafrost #water #hydrology #rockfall #EuropeanAlps #europe #SouthernAlps #newzealand #andes #peru #indigeneous #firstnation #risk #hazard #publicsafety #climate #melting #snowandicemanagement #climatechange #landforms #change #geomorphology #globalwarming #IPCC #naturalhazard #geologichazards
#gis #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #prediction #geology #engineeringgeology #massmovement #global #landslide #debrisflow #mudslide #mountain #cryosphere #glacier #snow #ice #permafrost #water #hydrology #rockfall #europeanalps #Europe #southernalps #newzealand #Peru #indigeneous #firstnation #risk #hazard #publicsafety #climate #melting #snowandicemanagement #climatechange #landforms #change #geomorphology #globalwarming #ipcc #naturalhazard #geologichazards #andes
Future Impacts Of Climate-Induced Compound Disasters On Volcano Hazard Assessment
https://doi.org/10.1007/s00445-022-01542-y <-- shared paper
[Understanding how volcano activity may change over time is particularly important as climate change continues to have direct and indirect effects on how volcanoes behave.]
#GIS #spatial #mapping #climatechange #change #management #future #events #planning #monitoring #engineeringgeology #riskhazard #risk #hazard #geologichazards #naturalhazards #spatialanalysis #volcano #vulcanism #volcanichazard #naturaldisaster #model #modeling #mitigation #planning #preparedness #cpmpoundhazards #socialscience #humanimpact #impacts #economics #publicsafety
#gis #spatial #mapping #climatechange #change #management #future #events #planning #monitoring #engineeringgeology #riskhazard #risk #hazard #geologichazards #NaturalHazards #spatialanalysis #volcano #vulcanism #volcanichazard #naturalDisaster #model #modeling #mitigation #preparedness #cpmpoundhazards #socialscience #humanimpact #impacts #economics #publicsafety
Calling all geologists (#geology @geology) - do you make #geologic #maps related to #tectonics, #geologichazards, #criticalminerals, #geomorphology, or other #geologic #research somewhere in the US? Do you advise students at a U.S. based academic institution? Did you know that #USGS has a grant program to support these sorts of research activities? The proposal deadline is Jan. 10. Details about the proposal process here: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=344430
#geology #geologic #maps #tectonics #geologichazards #CriticalMinerals #geomorphology #research #usgs
#GeologyHumor #Geologist #GeologicHazards #OldSchool #YouMayBeAGeologist
You may be a Geologist if your idea of “jewelry” is a hand lens strung on paracord.
You may be a Geologist if you have placed your hands somewhere no other human has thought to.
#ItsAllAboutTheData , baby.
#geologyhumor #geologist #geologichazards #oldschool #youmaybeageologist #itsallaboutthedata