Heavy solar wind coming in on 3rd of September. Originated from CME event on 31st August.
#sun #solarwind #aurora #sonne #geomagnetic #physics
Based on current #solar activity and the presence of coronal holes, there might be a moderate to strong #geomagnetic storm around #July 19th and 20th, which could potentially cause auroras to be visible at mid-latitudes and could also disrupt power grids and satellite operations.
These storms have superheated the thermosphere — the second-highest layer of Earth's atmosphere — to its highest temperature in more than 20 years.
Here at precursor, we can support NOAA and other stakeholders in protecting against the effects of #spaceweather, which can damage valuable infrastructure both in space and on the ground. With more geomagnetic events coming up this week, it's important we #prepare now and #map the #ionosphere to issue the proper #forecast.
#spaceweathernow #forecastnow #mitigate #geomagnetic
#geomagnetic #mitigate #forecastnow #spaceweathernow #forecast #ionosphere #map #prepare #spaceweather
May 19, 2023
SURPRISE GEOMAGNETIC STORM: Surprising forecasters, a crack opened in Earth's magnetic field on May 19th. #Solar wind poured through the gap, sparking a G2-class #geomagnetic storm. Naked-eye auroras were visible across many northern-tier US states while photographic auroras descended as far south as Missouri (latitude +40.2N):
"'The night started off with a surprise passage of #Starlink satellites whose 21 or so members flared to incredibly bright for a few seconds,' says photographer Dan Bush of Albany, Missouri. 'Then the red auroras came and were visible to my camera for about an hour or so.'
"This event was probably caused by a near-miss #CME--one of many that left the sun last week on trajectories slightly off the sun-Earth line. South-pointing magnetic fields in the CME's wake washed over Earth. Those south-pointing fields partially cancelled Earth's north-pointing magnetic field, lowering our defenses against the solar wind."
#SolarFlare #SolarFlares #SpaceWeather #SolarCycle24 #CarringtonEvent #SolarWind #CMEs
#Solar #geomagnetic #starlink #cme #solarflare #solarflares #spaceweather #solarcycle24 #carringtonevent #solarwind #cmes
#Sun Ejection May Hit Earth's Magnetic Field, Causing #Geomagnetic Storms
Story by Jess Thomson, May 19, 2023
"A huge plume of solar plasma was spat out of the sun on Thursday and could hit the Earth Sunday, affecting our magnetic field and atmosphere.
"This coronal mass ejection (#CME) was shot out because of an erupting filament of magnetism in the sun's southern hemisphere, which sent a cloud of plasma soaring in our direction.
"'The CMEs from the filament eruption that began around 17/1530 UTC near Region 3309 were modeled and determined to be mostly ahead and south of Earth's orbit. However, model results indicated a glancing blow is possible late on 21 May that would cause additional enhancements,' the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said in a three-day geomagnetic forecast."
#SpaceWeather #SolarEruption #GeomagneticStorm #SolarCycle25
#sun #geomagnetic #cme #spaceweather #solareruption #geomagneticstorm #solarcycle25
From the abstract “.. we found that KHI occurrence rates show seasonal and diurnal variations with the rate being high near the equinoxes and low near the solstices. The instability depends directly on the Earth’s dipole tilt angle. The tilt toward or away from the Sun explains most of the seasonal and diurnal variations, while the tilt in the plane perpendicular to the Earth‐Sun line explains the difference between the equinoxes…” #aurora #geomagnetic #earth #SpaceWeather
#aurora #geomagnetic #earth #spaceweather
So, I just witnessed a whole bunch of geese fly overhead in zigzag lines bearing southeast. #Interesting #Aurora #Geomagnetic
#geomagnetic #aurora #interesting
G4 alert again, wherever you are in the world where it's dark. #aurora #geomagnetic
Tormenta Geo-magnetica severa
Severe (G4) Geomagnetic Storm!
April 23, 2023 @ 17:25 UTC (UPDATED)
The DSCOVR solar wind data is showing a shock passage at 17:00 UTC and this should be the expected CME reaching the satellite. The solar wind speed is currently near 500 km/s and the Bz component of the IMF continues to point south. An impact to our geomagnetic field is imminent.
UPDATE #2: A Severe (G4) storm is in Progress. VHF aurora contacts on 2/6m with distorted signals now being made across middle to high latitudes. Widespread aurora across middle to high latitudes once dark outside is likely.
UPDATE: The anticipated CME swept past Earth at 17:37 UTC. The arrival also pushed proton levels above the minor (S1) radiation storm threshold. With the solar wind now near 550 km/s and the Bz component sharply south (-23nT), moderate (G2) to strong (G3) storm conditions will be possible. Aurora sky watchers should be alert once dark outside.
ALERT: Geomagnetic K-index of 8, 9-
Threshold Reached: 2023 Apr 23 1944 UTC
Synoptic Period: 1800-2100 UTC
Active Warning: Yes
NOAA Scale: G4 - Severe
SUMMARY: Geomagnetic Sudden Impulse
Observed: 2023 Apr 23 1737 UTC
Deviation: 48 nT
Station: BOU
#astronomy #spaceweather #sun #solaractivity #solar #geomagnetic #storm
#storm #geomagnetic #solar #solaractivity #sun #spaceweather #astronomy
30 northern US states will be able to see the northern lights tonight. Here's where.
A moderate #geomagnetic storm expected to hit Earth Sunday could mean millions of Americans will have a chance to see the northern lights.
#northernlights #auroraborealis
#auroraborealis #northernlights #geomagnetic
Heavy geomagnetic storm now. Aurora is a likely consequence.
#sun #sunspots #solarwind #geomagnetic #physics
There is a severe to extreme #geomagnetic storm hitting earth right now. Might be a good time to look out for an #aurora.
I'll wait for the pictures, need to start early tomorrow. 😴
#geomagnetic #aurora #spaceweather #sun #auroraborealis
The key to #spaceweather #forecasting may lie in other methods of prediction and warning. Precursor can help, with our novel capability of #mapping the #ionosphere. Unlike other technologies, we can #forecast space weather in real-time, offering the most accurate form of prediction possible, and possibly issuing warnings for the next big #geomagnetic storm.
#forecastnow #geomagnetic #forecast #ionosphere #mapping #forecasting #spaceweather
SEVERE GEOMAGNETIC STORM: Last night, #aurora spread across the United States as far south as New Mexico during a severe (category G4) #geomagnetic storm. Some skywatchers also saw a luminous ribbon named "#STEVE," which is not an aurora. More on Spaceweather.com
Image: Auroras over the Shenandoah National Park in Virginia on March 24, 2023. Photo credit: Peter Forister.
#aurora #geomagnetic #steve #spaceweather
STRONG GEOMAGNETIC STORM: Hiding behind the clouds of New England, a strong #geomagnetic storm is in progress on March 23rd as #solarwind flows through a crack in Earth's magnetosphere. If the crack remains open long enough, northern-tier US states could see #aurora tonight. Also, an amateur radio astronomer in Florida has observed a #solarradio burst *at midnight.* Weird!
Image: Bright auroras at sunrise over Kalispell, Montana, on March 23, 2023. Credit: Philip Granrud
#geomagnetic #solarwind #aurora #solarradio
Nature's revenge for the #megaconstellation cluttering #LEO and spoiling the night sky? ;-) The #Solar Cause of the 2022 February 3 #Geomagnetic Storm that Led to the Demise of the #Starlink Satellites: https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.02330
#starlink #geomagnetic #solar #leo #megaconstellation
Nature's revenge for the #megaconstellation cluttering #LEO and spoiling the night sky? ;-) The #Solar Cause of the 2022 February 3 #Geomagnetic Storm that Led to the Demise of the #Starlink Satellites: https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.02330
#starlink #geomagnetic #solar #leo #megaconstellation
Nature's revenge for the #megaconstellation cluttering #LEO and spoiling the night sky? ;-) The #Solar Cause of the 2022 February 3 #Geomagnetic Storm that Led to the Demise of the #Starlink Satellites: https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.02330
#starlink #geomagnetic #solar #leo #megaconstellation
Nature's revenge for the #megaconstellation cluttering #LEO and spoiling the night sky? ;-) The #Solar Cause of the 2022 February 3 #Geomagnetic Storm that Led to the Demise of the #Starlink Satellites: https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.02330
#starlink #geomagnetic #solar #leo #megaconstellation
Don't wait now to prepare for when a solar flare, geomagnetic storm, or space weather activity hits #Earth. With our novel capabilities in mapping the #ionosphere for timely, accurate, #spaceweather nowcasting, precursor can issue space weather #forecasts in real time. Via our forecasts, we can take the right measures to protect valuable infrastructure and assets on both Earth and in space.
#geomagnetic #solarflare #forecastnow #spaceweathernow #forecasts #spaceweather #ionosphere #earth