GEOMAGNETIC STORM UPDATE! #geomagneticstorm #solarstorm #spaceweather #spacewx #Amateurradio #hamradio
#hamradio #amateurradio #SpaceWx #spaceweather #Solarstorm #geomagneticstorm
As planned went #pota "Lite" for today's #morsecode #qrpradio #qcxmini #parksontheair activation despite Minor #geomagneticstorm #solarstorm #amateurradio #hamradio with surprisingly good results.
#hamradio #amateurradio #Solarstorm #geomagneticstorm #ParksOnTheAir #qcxmini #qrpradio #morsecode #pota
Sun is cutting the fool #GeomagneticStorm #SpaceWeather #AmateurRadio
#amateurradio #spaceweather #geomagneticstorm
Well this is a fine mess to wake up to. MAJOR #solarstorm #spaceweather #spacewx #solarcycle25 #geomagneticstorm #amateurradio #hamradio
#hamradio #amateurradio #geomagneticstorm #solarcycle25 #SpaceWx #spaceweather #Solarstorm
I'm beginning to think Mother Nature is pissed off. The #spaceweatherwoman Dr. TamithaSkov gives forecast about approaching major #solarstorm #spaceweather #spacewx #solarcycle25 #geomagneticstorm #amateurradio #hamradio
Watch "A Whopper of a Storm Speeds Towards Earth | Space Weather News 20 July 2023" on YouTube
#hamradio #amateurradio #geomagneticstorm #solarcycle25 #SpaceWx #spaceweather #Solarstorm #SpaceWeatherWoman
We're starting to feel the effects of the forecasted #geomagneticstorm #solarstorm #spaceweather #solarcycle25 #spacewx #hamradio #amateurradio
#amateurradio #hamradio #SpaceWx #solarcycle25 #spaceweather #Solarstorm #geomagneticstorm
Mother Nature is relentless today. 90° in the shade before noon. Horrible #HFBAND conditions. #mclass #SolarFlares High #solarwinds and will likely get worse with approaching #geomagneticstorm #solarcycle25 #spaceweather #spacewx #hamradio #amateurradio #pota #parksontheair #cwoperator
#cwoperator #ParksOnTheAir #pota #amateurradio #hamradio #SpaceWx #spaceweather #solarcycle25 #geomagneticstorm #solarwinds #solarflares #mclass #hfband
The Carrington Event was the most intense geomagnetic storm in recorded history, peaking from 1 to 2 September 1859 during solar cycle 10. It created strong auroral displays that were reported globally and caused sparking and even fires in multiple telegraph stations.
#science #sciencefacts #solarflare #geomagneticstorm #carringtonevent
#science #sciencefacts #solarFlare #geomagneticstorm #carringtonevent
#Sun Ejection May Hit Earth's Magnetic Field, Causing #Geomagnetic Storms
Story by Jess Thomson, May 19, 2023
"A huge plume of solar plasma was spat out of the sun on Thursday and could hit the Earth Sunday, affecting our magnetic field and atmosphere.
"This coronal mass ejection (#CME) was shot out because of an erupting filament of magnetism in the sun's southern hemisphere, which sent a cloud of plasma soaring in our direction.
"'The CMEs from the filament eruption that began around 17/1530 UTC near Region 3309 were modeled and determined to be mostly ahead and south of Earth's orbit. However, model results indicated a glancing blow is possible late on 21 May that would cause additional enhancements,' the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said in a three-day geomagnetic forecast."
#SpaceWeather #SolarEruption #GeomagneticStorm #SolarCycle25
#sun #geomagnetic #cme #spaceweather #solareruption #geomagneticstorm #solarcycle25
Alerta de tormenta geomagnetica #spaceweather #geomagneticstorm #sun #SolarActivity
Issue Time: 2023 May 06 0453 UTC
ALERT: Geomagnetic K-index of 6
Threshold Reached: 2023 May 06 0450 UTC
Synoptic Period: 0300-0600 UTC
Active Warning: Yes
NOAA Scale: G2 - Moderate
Potential Impacts: Area of impact primarily poleward of 55 degrees Geomagnetic Latitude.
Induced Currents - Power grid fluctuations can occur. High-latitude power systems may experience voltage alarms.
Spacecraft - Satellite orientation irregularities may occur; increased drag on low Earth-orbit satellites is possible.
Radio - HF (high frequency) radio propagation can fade at higher latitudes.
Aurora - Aurora may be seen as low as New York to Wisconsin to Washington state.
#solaractivity #sun #geomagneticstorm #spaceweather
Global News BC: Strongest geomagnetic storm in decades seen from only a few B.C. locations #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #geomagneticstormNorthAmerica #auroraborealisvancouver #BCgeomagneticstorm #geomagneticstormbc #auroraborealisbc #Geomagneticstorm #AuroraBorealis #BCweather #Weather
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #geomagneticstormnorthamerica #auroraborealisvancouver #bcgeomagneticstorm #geomagneticstormbc #auroraborealisbc #geomagneticstorm #auroraborealis #BCweather #Weather
Video Roundup: April 23-24 Northern Lights Overhead Aurora Videos
On the night of April 23-24, a severe geomagnetic storm caused the Northern lights to be seen across much of the central and northern USA. Here are some vid
#VideoRoundupStuff #WeatherTalkStuff #April23-24NorthernLightsOverheadAuroraVideos #GeomagneticStorm #LiveStormsMedia #NorthernLights #OverheadAurora #StormChasingVide
#videoroundupstuff #weathertalkstuff #april23 #geomagneticstorm #livestormsmedia #northernlights #overheadaurora #stormchasingvide
Still awestruck over what I was able to witness a few hours ago...threaded the needle into the only clear slot in Southern Ontario and was gifted this surreal scene north-west of London! The magentas were unbelievable. #aurora #northernlights #ldnont #geomagneticstorm
#aurora #northernlights #ldnont #geomagneticstorm
RT @ONwxchaser
Still awestruck over what I was able to witness a few hours ago...threaded the needle into the only clear slot in Southern Ontario and was gifted this surreal scene NW of London! The magentas were unbelievable. #aurora #northernlights #ldnont #geomagneticstorm @jasonoyoung
#geomagneticstorm #ldnont #northernlights #aurora
The Bureau of Meteorology's Space Weather Service track solar storms, and this one has been a doozy!
The top index is global, and the bottom index is Australian.
Somebody has certainly pissed off the Sun God, Ra as he screams towards the Solar Maximum.
#aurora #solarstorm #geomagneticstorm #solarmax #Astrodon
A few days back, the Sun unleashed an Earth directed flare. It took a few days to arrive, but it finally came in the early hours of this morning.
Aurora have lit up the world since!
Astrophotographers have captured them in Victoria, Tasmania. The below Gorgeous photo by AsV member Eddie Pang was captured using iPhone 14 Pro of this morning’s aurora captured at the Astro. Society of Victoria's Leon Mow dark sky site north of Heathcote (VIC)
In the north, they are reporting aurora as far south as Kansas!
#aurora #solarstorm #geomagneticstorm #solarmax #Astrodon
@ParksOnTheAir @crescent_latte We were rocking @ParksOnTheAir in G4 (severe) geomagnetic storm! Party on dude.
*Insert GIF of Captain Dan yelling at the hurricane from Forrest Gump*
#geomagneticstorm #spaceweather #pota #amateurradio
Global News BC: Northern lights dance across B.C. skies, delighting photographers #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #howtophotographnorthernlights #northernlightactivities #howtoseenorthernlights #Northernlightsphotos #Geomagneticstorm #BritishColumbia #AuroraBorealis #NorthernLights #WeatherPhotos #nightskies #SolarStorm #Weather #Aurora
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #howtophotographnorthernlights #northernlightactivities #howtoseenorthernlights #northernlightsphotos #geomagneticstorm #auroraborealis #northernlights #weatherphotos #b #nightskies #solarstorm #Weather #aurora
"On Thursday night, a 'severe' #geomagneticstorm—rated a level 4 out of 5 by the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration—brought vibrant, bright #auroras as far south as Arizona, California, Oklahoma, Iowa, New Mexico & North Carolina..."
#geomagneticstorm #auroras #northernlights #spaceweather #solarstorm