Tacking into account the current disturbed geomagnetic environment, it might be interesting to understand the causes of the different colors of auroras: https://www.thoughtco.com/causes-aurora-borealcolors-607595
#geomagnetism #ionosphere #solar_activity #aurora #physics
#geomagnetism #ionosphere #solar_activity #aurora #physics
A beautiful example of OH8GKP again hearing my 14MHz, 200mW WSPR signal as the Z component of the geomagnetic field shifted from a southerly swing to a northerly between around 00:30 and 03:00UT.
#geomagnetism #wspr #propagation
Well this thread went in a direction I didn't expect. I'm not a #geomagnetism or indeed #geodesy specialist and the mechanism for #PolarWander proposed sounds implausible but not impossible.
Would be interested to hear what those who know more about this think though...
My suspicion would be that #deglaciation now is rather too small compared to vast changes in past but what do you think @pa1ejo ?
#deglaciation #polarwander #geodesy #geomagnetism
The paper "The inherent instability of axisymmetric magnetostrophic dynamo models", written by Colin Hardy, Phil Livermore and myself, is now published online in the journal Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics.
Link (open access): https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03091929.2022.2148666
Below I will give a (relatively) non-technical explanation of some background of our paper.
#geomagnetism #geodynamo #EarthsCore #magnetohydrodynamics #magnetostrophic
#magnetostrophic #magnetohydrodynamics #EarthsCore #geodynamo #geomagnetism
The geomagnetic field is generated in Earth’s outer core, which is molten metal set in motion by thermo-chemical convection. In spite of what the movie ‘The Core’ (which I actually like) tells us, fluid motions in the core are not driven by rotation, but by the cooling of Earth and by light elements released by the inner core crystallization (and possibly other things). Rotation is important but it’s the steer on this car, not the engine. #geophysics #geomagnetism #fluiddynamics #earthscience
#geophysics #geomagnetism #fluiddynamics #earthscience
#geomagnetism #earthscience #geophysics The South Atlantic Anomaly is a region of low magnetic field intensity above which Earth’s radiation belts are closer to the surface than “normal”. Satellites flying in it experience more frequent memory upsets: https://www.esa.int/Applications/Observing_the_Earth/FutureEO/Swarm/Swarm_probes_weakening_of_Earth_s_magnetic_field (video from @esa). It is currently moving westward, expanding and splitting as Earth’ dipolar field weakens.
#geomagnetism #earthscience #geophysics
Feels cool to be the first to use a (not obscure) hashtag 🤩 #geomagnetism for the win!! 🌏🌎🌍
#introduction Hi Mastodon! I am a researcher at ETH Zurich, mostly studying magnetic fields of Earth and ofher planets and at the dynamics of planetary fluid interiors. When I am not wasting public money pretending to do research I like being on the mountains: climbing, hiking, skiing, mountaineering and more. Happy father of one 🤩 #geophysics #earthscience #geomagnetism #fluiddynamics #planetaryscience #ClimateAction
#introduction #geophysics #earthscience #geomagnetism #fluiddynamics #planetaryscience #ClimateAction
#Compasses to point true #north for first time in 360 years | #Science | The Guardian
#compasses #north #science #navigation #geology #greenwich #uk #geomagnetism