It's simply amazing, how people will bend their brains around cars. But the absolute failure to apply basic logic to the problems cars cause you and your city is understandable. I mean, who can think their way out of a paper bag with a car parked in their head? #CarBrain #CarsRuinCities #GeometryHatesCars #BanCars
#CarBrain #CarsRuinCities #geometryhatescars #bancars
yet another #Portland neighborhood association meeting where the developer is going to build five units of housing with no #Parking, and that's the only thing neighbors are concerned about despite all of them claiming to be environmentalists. 🙄 #CarsRuinCities #GeometryHatesCars #FreeParkingOnADeadPlanet
#portland #parking #CarsRuinCities #geometryhatescars #freeparkingonadeadplanet
@tmstreet this seems influenced by Paris, might have more to do with travel & relatives than language though, i.e. people who went & saw their progress. It's interesting that the acronym plays into the french word for dream, rêve. But the geometry of removing redundant car lanes is universal, and that's all Amsterdam did long ago. They didn't make a plan to spend $4B and wish up was down, there's no other way around the fact that #GeometryHatesCars. Every city can choose this, or bankruptcy.
@dgouldin and LoL at the amount people are willing to tax their neighbors' housing to pay for the delusionary claims of traffic Engineers. There's gotta be a class-action lawsuit to drag them out on the carpet to admit that they know how Induced Demand works and that cars never stood a chance to get out of each others' way. #GeometryHatesCars Suburbs need to become clusters of 15 minute neighborhoods, and could achieve that, with what 💸 they're hopelessly spending on stroad widening.
survey says people in #Portland would rather sit on #transit & read than be #drivers. #pdxBikes and #eBikes seem popular, must be time to paint "bus and turn only" on the outside lanes of our #stroads and let's get out of #pdxTraffic + do a solid #ClimateAction, plus besides: #CarsRuinCities #GeometryHatesCars, the future of #transportation is kids biking themselves to school or joining a #BikeBus, make #SchoolStreets, #BusLanes, & #EdgeLaneRoads / #AdvisoryBikeLanes, out of existing car lanes
#portland #transit #drivers #pdxbikes #ebikes #stroads #pdxtraffic #climateaction #CarsRuinCities #geometryhatescars #transportation #BikeBus #schoolstreets #buslanes #edgelaneroads #advisorybikelanes
Traffic planners who don't understand bicycles should not be employed by my city. #Portland is full of #15minuteNeighborhoods by bike (probably every single one by #eBikes), but you currently have to elbow your way through five-lane #stroads to reach those destinations. We're not in f'n space bro, we're in cities and #carsRuinCities, #geometryHatesCars - @bryan might learn that if he hadn't blocked me. 😂
#portland #15minuteneighborhoods #ebikes #stroads #CarsRuinCities #geometryhatescars
Do #drivers understand that when people on bikes are passing them in traffic, it's because cars can't get out of cars' way? Get some of these people out of their cars and there will be fewer cars in your way lol. #geometryHatesCars I'm curious as to how the drivers who are sure "somebody else will ride a bike" imagine that's going to happen if they don't make it decent enough for themselves to do it.
Cities' elected officials love to talk about prioritizing transit but most of them don't have a lever to pull on for that. Getting cars out of the way of bikes and buses *is* something within reach. And if your city ever finally takes bikes seriously, enough people will be able to actually access transit. Politics/funding of #parking, #transit, #landUse, all works itself out once you connect and maintain a low-stress #bikewayNetwork. Wishing won't get us there, because #geometryHatesCars
#parking #transit #landuse #bikewaynetwork #geometryhatescars
live footage of PBOT talking about their budget woes #pdxBikes #pdxTraffic #BanCars #CarsRuinCities #GeometryHatesCars #DefundDOTs
#pdxbikes #pdxtraffic #bancars #CarsRuinCities #geometryhatescars #defunddots
@owen and of course whatever number of logical hoops they're willing to jump through to make sure everyone has equal access to cars (and 12yo kids can drive themselves to school...) in the end, #geometryHatesCars
"In the 1970s, the spiking price of oil and the rising number of children killed in car crashes prompted officials to create dense networks of bike paths, often by repurposing general traffic lanes and car parking." <- this formula is not going to change! #GeometryHatesCars #ClimateAction #VisionZero all depends on #cities figuring that out. It's not a budget thing. Until you have a complete bikeway network, you have given too much space to cars.
#geometryhatescars #climateaction #visionzero #cities
@RedFaster centrally planning that everyone will use cars has worked out well for cars, we should try doing it for a vehicle type that is not inherently fucked by its own clumsiness. #geometryHatesCars
@TatoGremlin @breadandcircuses it will be a gradual process, enabled by e-bikes if we let them. They fit into the existing garages, budgets, gutter bike lanes, but make even long-ish 10 mile bike commutes possible for some. Purposefully shifting the short trips with traffic calming and parking pressure will make it much faster, and enable political will for fast frequent fareless transit. #GeometryHatesCars
by @davidzipper
#GeometryHatesCars #LegalizeBikes
"A 2014 analysis… ranked Brussels as one of the two most congested cities in Europe or NA, with the average driver spending 83 hours annually stuck behind the wheel.
… gradually and then stunningly fast, Brussels’ transportation network has been reconfigured, shifting trips away from cars and toward bikes, transit and walking. The share of bike commuters has tripled in just four years"
#geometryhatescars #legalizebikes
If you're in a car in a city, you will wait for people. That's just how it is. #GeometryHatesCars #HonkingWontHelp
#geometryhatescars #honkingwonthelp
Bin in Neukölln mit dem Rad unterwegs, es ist eng. Der Fußgänger*innenweg überfüllt, die Straße überfrachtet durch riesige metal boxes und die Fahrräder ratlos dazwischen. Autos müssen da einfach weichen, #spatialjustice ist wichtig für disability, class und marginalisierte Menschen. Platz ist begrenzt, Autos tödlich u die Rechte aller anderen mit weniger m² pro Person umsetzbar. Behinderte + Dienstleister*innen können dann auch safer+schneller autofahren. #berlin #waroncars #geometryhatescars
#spatialjustice #berlin #waroncars #geometryhatescars
Suggested headline: Automakers struggle to wrap their heads around the idea that #carsSuck, #GeometryHatesCars, #eBikes are the future of mobility (already outselling e-cars), new car sales are about to take a nosedive across all categories except sub-compact, #banCars
"While the majority of Boomers and Pre-Boomers aren't considering EVs, 33% of Gen Z shoppers also told JD Power they were either "somewhat unlikely" or "very unlikely" to buy an EV."
#carssuck #geometryhatescars #ebikes #bancars
Love how drivers are like people can't bike because it rains but then the sun comes out and they line up to steep in their butt sweat in a stationary car.
#GeometryHatesCars #InducedDemand #JustOneMoreLaneBro #ODOTGTFOpdx #FtedWheeler #Portland #pdxTraffic
#geometryhatescars #induceddemand #justonemorelanebro #odotgtfopdx #ftedwheeler #portland #pdxtraffic
🤔 #GeometryHatesCars or a #CarsRuinCities sign for the @bikeloudpdx rally today, or reuse #TrafficIsAGas / #CitiesForPeopleNotJustCars... (and I have #20isPlenty + #8isGreat)
#geometryhatescars #CarsRuinCities #trafficisagas #citiesforpeoplenotjustcars #20isplenty #8isgreat
Q for the "abundant #nuclear electricity will save us from #ClimateChange and free us from the scarity mindset" club: where is everybody going to park? #GeometryHatesCars
#nuclear #climatechange #geometryhatescars