Episode 187 of the podcast is up.
We hear from Juha Koponen of Collective Crunch - winner of the
SplashMaps best speaker prize at the recent #geomobFIN - about how they use use geospatial, EO, and machine learning in the forestry industry.
The date is now set for the northernmost Geomob ever! Geomob Finland returns on 🗓️ November 9th in Oulu, Finland.
Speakers needed!
Details: https://thegeomob.com/post/nov-9th-2023-geomobfin-details
This week on the podcast (Ep. 178) @freyfogle and @stevenfeldman discuss the recent #geomobFIN and #geomobLON events, and discuss the need for more sponsors in the face of a relentless rise in the price of beer in the UK.
#geomobfin #geomoblon #geomobpod
9/ With the talks over it was time for discussion and networking over #geobeers 🍻 Unfortunately not a lot of pics, too busy talking.
Thank you to CGI 🙏 for paying for the drinks. Thanks to everyone who joined us for the evening, and especially the speakers. It was a strong start to Geomob in Finland.
We are hoping for a next event in the autumn, in the meanwhile hopefully a few participants will be on the podcast in the coming months.
9/ With the talks over it was time for discussion and networking over #geobeers 🍻 Unfortunately not a lot of pics, too busy talking.
Thank you to CGI 🙏 for paying for the drinks. Thanks to everyone who joined us for the evening, and especially the speakers. It was a strong start to Geomob in Finland.
We are hoping for a next event in the autumn, in the meanwhile hopefully a few participants will be on the podcast in the coming months.
8/ All the talks were interesting but only one could win the SplashMaps best speaker prize.
The audience voted and the winner was ...
Juha. Well done! 👏
Antti and Joonas present him with the gift certificate.
7/ Final speaker of the evening was Tomi Salmi of CGI.
They bring decades of space and GIS expertise to bear. Salmi shared details of a major project for the Finnish Dept of Agriculture to use EO to monitor farming for accurate subsidy payments
6/ Next up we learned about using Earth Observation to monitor forests and predict timber yieds from Juha Koponen of CollectiveCrunch. A combination of technologies allow for increasingly accurate estimations.
5/ Third speaker was Johannes Hiekkasaari from ICEYE sharing with us how they use earth observation to predict flood damage around the world.
4/ Next we heard from Olga Bodet of Zero Gravity and their work to help cities / local govt get value from earth observation. Many different types of data, each with strengths/weaknesses and use cases. Govt needs help to get value from the new data streams.
3/ In total we had five speakers.
First up we heard from @freyfogle who shared some background on what Geomob is and lessons learned in running it for many years in London and elsewhere.
2/ First up - full credit to lead organizer Joonas Jokela and Antti Jakobsson who made Geomob Finland happen as part of the National Land Survey of Finland's new Location Innovation Hub
Also thanks to Urban3 for hosting us at their co-working space withing the Maria01 startup hub. The venue was perfect.
Many thanks to everyone who joined us for the first Geomob Finland yesterday, it was great fun. For those who couldn't attend here is the summary thread.
Great to see so many familiar faces and hear about so many interesting EO projects that different companies are working on. I'd call the first #geomobFIN a success! Thanks to all organizers, what a wonderful idea bringing this to Finland <3
Today is the day! The first ever Geomob Finland #geomobFIN
Doors open at 4pm, talks start at 5pm. We will be at Urban3-space in building 3 of the Maria01 Startup Campus. Presentations from Zero Gravity, ICEYE, Collective Crunch, and CGI.
See you there
Tomorrow (13 April) is #geomobFIN and next Tuesday (18 April) is #geomobLON
Hope you can join us for one (or both!) of these events. We will share thread summaries of each here afterwards.
Only one week to go until #geomobFIN
Sign-up and details:
Hope you can join us at the Maria 01 start-up campus in Helsinki 🇫🇮 for geo talks and #geobeers 🍻
Just hit send on this month's Geomob newsletter.
Enjoy, and hope to see you at one of our April events:
• #geomobFIN on the 13th
• #geomobLON on the 18th
April 13th will be the first ever Geomob Finland.
In today's episode of the podcast (Ep. 173) Ed chats with Antti Jakobsson, one of the organizers, about what attendees can expect and the Finnish geo scene in general.