As a kid did you spend hours drawing fantasy maps?
If so you will love Episode 197 of the podcast where @stevenfeldman interviews @chloethecartographer who draws fantasy maps professionally.
This week's episode (Ep 196) of the Geomob podcast is a bit different. @freyfogle speaks with two-time Geomob London best speaker prize winner Tim Fernando about his travel log service Esplorio. Due to other commitments, Tim is seeking someone to take over operation of the service.
This week on the podcast (Ep. 194) @stevenfeldman's guest is the new Executive Director of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT), Rebecca Firth.
#OpenStreetMap #hotosm #geomobpod
This week is OpenStreetMap's 19th birthday! 🎂🥳🍾🎉
So for this week's Geomob podcast @freyfogle caught up with Andy Allan @gravitystorm to revisit the magic of the early days of OSM, while also commenting on what the future may hold as the project heads into its 20s.
Ep. 192 of the Geomob podcast is live!
@stevenfeldman speaks with Akansha Saklani of the World Resources Institute about their Energy Access Explorer - an online, open-source, interactive platform that uses mapping to visualize the state of energy access in unserved and underserved areas
Interesting discussion for anyone mapping infrastructure
Just a reminder - if you like this episode with an innovative geospatial start-up, we have plenty more over on the site:
Episode 191 of the podcast is now live:
We hear from Dario Raijman, co-founder of Textomap about the challenges of turning words into maps.
Can "normal people" use OpenStreetMap?
Let's find out - this week on the podcast we chat with Roman Tsisyk, one of the makers of Organic Maps @organicmaps, the most popular OpenStreetMap-based mapping app.
This week on the podcast (Ep. 188) @stevenfeldman interviews old friend @antscott about what it's like to volunteer at MapAction.
The third #geomobTLV Who'd have thought? Geomob seems to have hit the spot for geotechnical innovators in TLV (and there are a heck of a lot of them). This one is going to be a lot of fun and Ed Freyfogle, my co-host on the Geomob podcast is coming out to TLV for it.
If you are coming to the event (or if you are stuck in the waiting list) message me and let's meet up, you might even find yourself on the Geomob podcast #geomobpod
Ep. 183 of the podcast is now live.
We hear from Nick Patrick, CEO/co-founder of about how they are building the next generation of location infrastructure and creating geospatial experiences with major consumer brands
Ep. 179 of the podcast is now up!
We hear from Ariel Seidman, CEO/founder of Hivemapper about their innovative approach to mapping the world via purpose-built dash cams and a focus on rewarding every contributor.
This week on the podcast (Ep. 178) @freyfogle and @stevenfeldman discuss the recent #geomobFIN and #geomobLON events, and discuss the need for more sponsors in the face of a relentless rise in the price of beer in the UK.
#geomobfin #geomoblon #geomobpod
BTW - if you enjoy conversations with cartographers or artists whose work uses maps, we have a topic page where we list all of those episodes:
Enjoy! #geomobpod
This week on the podcast (Ep. 177) we hear from the maker of "The Melbourne Map" @stevenfeldman interviews self-proclaimed ‘accidental map maker’ Melinda Clarke
Episode 176 of the Geomob podcast is now up: @freyfogle interviews Brandon Liu, maker of Protomaps - a new paradigm in serving web based maps:
Ep. 175 of the podcast is up
@freyfogle and @stevenfeldman muse on the challenge of creating a geounicorn, specifically considering recent news of CityMapper and Mapbox. How valuable can companies based on open data and open source be?
Ep. 174 of the podcast is up
This week we meet the man behind - @stevenfeldman interviews @jeremy to discuss the transition of the geospatial social media scene to the fediverse
April 13th will be the first ever Geomob Finland.
In today's episode of the podcast (Ep. 173) Ed chats with Antti Jakobsson, one of the organizers, about what attendees can expect and the Finnish geo scene in general.
In Episode 172 of the Geomob podcast we speak with Nama Budhathoki, Regional Director of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team's (HOT) Open Mapping Hub - Asia Pacific about the response to the recent Turkey / Syria earthquake.
How has HOT responded? What is needed now, and how can you get involved?
#geomob #geomobpod #hotosm #turkiyeeq060223