La nouvelle #GeoRDP est en ligne avec plein de news interstellaires 🛰️ pour vous propulser gentiment vers la fin de semaine 🚀 :
👥 Contributeur/ices : GuilhemAllaman, @Data_Wax
, @aurelienchaumet , @dmontagne
, @GabPoujol , @geojulien , Maël Reboux
🌍 #LIDAR, #geOrchestra, #ANFR, @ThomasG77, #Copernicus, #wikipedia
#GeoRDP #lidar #georchestra #anfr #Copernicus #wikipedia
geOrchestra code sprint on February 7-9 in Rennes, France
by @fvanderbiest
Six @camptocamp developers will participate in the #geOrchestra code sprint in Rennes, France over 3 days at TiLab.
Our main objectives for this code sprint are to improve the default user experience, increase data discoverability, but also improve the path for new developers of the solution (better integration of geonetwork microservices, continue to modularize the core, etc. ).
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