Candles, creepy wax melts (including teeth and dolls heads), and other malarky.
#candles #WaxMelts #geordie #MadeInYorkshire
#candles #WaxMelts #geordie #madeinyorkshire
The school is teaching my kid that book is pronounced "buk"
So angry.
I might take him out of schul.
I'm not a lawyer but remember (on getting A-Level results & a Uni. place) my head of 6th-Form saying to me: "now lose your accent*"...
(*Deepest, darkest #Geordie like, man.) 👇
Musik macht glücklich 🙃 #geordie #brianjohnson #70s #musiktape #80s
(Geordie with AC/DC ´s Brian Johnson)
#geordie #brianjohnson #70s #musiktape #80s
Musik macht glücklich 🙃 #geordie #brianjohnson #70s #musiktape #80s
(Geordie with AC/DC ´s Brian Johnson)
#geordie #brianjohnson #70s #musiktape #80s
Musik macht glücklich 🙃 #geordie #brianjohnson #70s #musiktape #80s
(Geordie with AC/DC ´s Brian Johnson)
#geordie #brianjohnson #70s #musiktape #80s
This may come in handy for those visiting the Northeast of England .....
Every time I purchase something in the UK they try and convince me to download a loyalty scheme app. Of course non of these apps are in the Dutch App Store but if I tell them I don’t live in the UK they’ll quiz me about my life for 5 minutes.
#Geordie cashiers will tell you their deepest darkest secrets, hand you your receipt and say “have a great day!”
I miss grumpy Dutch ‘pay and fuck off’ customer service 😂
Seemingly this place is about hashtags, so here’s mine :)
#doctor #healthcare #union
#art #procreate #digitalart #photography #piano
#socialjustice #maori #IndigenousHealth #equity #WhitePrivilege #WhiteFragility #InstitutionalRacism #colonialism
#Geordie #Scottish #Scotland
#gamer #hike #dogs #leonberger #diy
#doctor #healthcare #union #art #procreate #digitalart #photography #piano #socialjustice #maori #IndigenousHealth #equity #whiteprivilege #whitefragility #institutionalracism #colonialism #geordie #scottish #scotland #gamer #Hike #dogs #leonberger #diy
I live in #essex it often gets bad press come and visit our wonderful county would love to meet you... am a #geordie by birth have lived in #essex for 40 years #excellentessex
#essex #geordie #excellentessex
As a way of introduction, I'm a timeless, #geordie stuck in #shetland
I'm obviously #queer as hell, nerdy, and a little bit of a recluse. I am for my sins heavily involved in #ukpolitics
I like to see Shetland in its rightful place on the map, #bojackhorseman #parksandrecreation and #wrestling
#wrestling #parksandrecreation #bojackhorseman #ukpolitics #queer #shetland #geordie
#TEFL #OnlineTutor #Geordie
❤️ #nature #science #history #SocialJustice #languages #etymology
📺 #SirDavidAttenborough #RichardOsmansHouseOfGames #TheRepairShop #ScandiNoir #TheHandmaidsTale
⚽ #Lionesses #SarinaWiegman #KeiraWalsh #LucyBronze
🎧 #EllaFitzgerald #kdlang #MarvinGaye #StevieWonder #BillyJoel
🎬 #PowellAndPressburger #ScrewballComedy #HowardHawks #Capra #Hitchcock
📖 #Austen #Gaskell #Trollope #DorothyLSayers #AnneLister
🤢 #DisingenuousGaslightingPoliticians #CorianderLeaf
#powellandpressburger #tefl #corianderleaf #disingenuousgaslightingpoliticians #AnneLister #dorothylsayers #Trollope #gaskell #austen #hitchcock #capra #HowardHawks #screwballcomedy #billyjoel #steviewonder #marvingaye #kdlang #ellafitzgerald #LucyBronze #keirawalsh #SarinaWiegman #lionesses #thehandmaidstale #scandinoir #TheRepairShop #richardosmanshouseofgames #sirdavidattenborough #etymology #languages #socialjustice #History #Science #Nature #geordie #onlinetutor #Introduction
Uppercut dall`inferno: intervista a Geordie Greep dei Black Midi - Articoli - SENTIREASCOLTARE #uppercut #dallinferno #intervista #geordie #greep #black #midi #articoli #sentireascoltare #10agosto
#10agosto #sentireascoltare #articoli #midi #black #greep #geordie #intervista #dallinferno #uppercut
Uppercut dall`inferno: intervista a Geordie Greep dei Black Midi - Articoli - SENTIREASCOLTARE #uppercut #dallinferno #intervista #geordie #greep #black #midi #articoli #sentireascoltare #8agosto
#8agosto #sentireascoltare #articoli #midi #black #greep #geordie #intervista #dallinferno #uppercut
Uppercut dall`inferno: intervista a Geordie Greep dei Black Midi - Articoli - SENTIREASCOLTARE #uppercut #dallinferno #intervista #geordie #greep #black #midi #articoli #sentireascoltare #6agosto
#6agosto #sentireascoltare #articoli #midi #black #greep #geordie #intervista #dallinferno #uppercut
Uppercut dall`inferno: intervista a Geordie Greep dei Black Midi - Articoli - SENTIREASCOLTARE #uppercut #dallinferno #intervista #geordie #greep #black #midi #articoli #sentireascoltare #22luglio
#22luglio #sentireascoltare #articoli #midi #black #greep #geordie #intervista #dallinferno #uppercut