This #blackaugust reflect on the times and revolutionary culture BA originated out of.
Understand its intent. Black August Resistance!
#georgejackson #blackguerrillas #freeallpolitcalprisoners #newafrikanrevolutionarynationalist #blackliberation
#BlackAugust #georgejackson #blackguerrillas #freeallpolitcalprisoners #newafrikanrevolutionarynationalist #BlackLiberation
Ruchell Cinque Magee Released From Prison After 67 Years of Being Caged
#RuchellCinqueMagee #RuchellMagee #PrisonStruggle #MarinCountyCourthouse #GeorgeJackson
#ruchellcinquemagee #RuchellMagee #prisonstruggle #marincountycourthouse #georgejackson
Today in Labor History July 4, 1977: The George Jackson Brigade planted a bomb at a power station in Olympia, Washington, in solidarity with a prison strike at the Walla Walla State Penitentiary. They were a revolutionary group founded in the mid-1970s, based in Seattle, named after George Jackson, a prisoner and Black Panther who was shot and killed during an alleged escape attempt at San Quentin Prison in 1971. The Brigade was composed of both communist and anarchist veterans of the women's liberation, LGBTQ and Black Nationalist movements.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #racism #liberation #nationalism #GeorgeJackson #lgbtq #anarchism #communism #feminism #prison #incarceration #strike #BlackPanther #bomb #solidarity #BlackMastadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #racism #liberation #Nationalism #georgejackson #lgbtq #anarchism #communism #feminism #prison #incarceration #strike #blackpanther #bomb #solidarity #BlackMastadon
Today in Labor History April 15, 1986: Author Jean Genet died on this day. Genet was a novelists, political activist and petty criminal. His book, The Thief’s Journal (1949), relates his experiences as a young prostitute and thief. That same year, the authorities tried to sentence him to life in prison for his ten convictions. Jean Cocteau, Jean-Paul Sartre and Pablo Picasso successfully petitioned the government on his behalf. In 1968, Genet was censored in the U.S. and expelled from the country after they refused him a visa. But he returned in 1970, upon an invitation by the Black Panthers. He stayed three months, giving lectures and attending the trial of Huey Newton. Later that year, he went to Palestine and visited refugee camps. He supported U.S. political prisoners Angela Davis and George Jackson. He also supported the anti-prison, anti-police brutality work of Michel Foucault, in France.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #BlackPanthers #SexWork #prostitution #lgbtq #JeanGenet #sartre #picasso #HueyNewton #AngelaDavis #GeorgeJackson #prison #writer #novel #play #poetry @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #blackpanthers #sexwork #Prostitution #lgbtq #jeangenet #sartre #picasso #hueynewton #angeladavis #georgejackson #prison #writer #novel #play #poetry
Archie Shepp: Blues for Brother George Jackson
#mastodisco #archieshepp #atticablues #bluesforbrothergeorgejackson #georgejackson #blues