"The junktanks are rightwing, pro-business lobby groups that act as intermediaries between oligarchic and corporate capital and public policy. Their role is to make the outrageous demands of economic power look like common sense; to conflate what is good for billionaires with what is good for everyone else."
Powerful words from George Monbiot on environment charities that prostrate themselves before Capital.
#rspb #bencaldicott #georgemonbiot #oligarchy #capital
#GeorgeMonbiot wrote about an interesting workaround they're trying out in #Totnes, but the only solution in the long term has to be #ProportionalRepresentation
#georgemonbiot #totnes #proportionalrepresentation
There are a few people I'm surprised aren't on here, though I've found Twitter mirrors for some of them: #GeorgeMonbiot, #ChrisPackham, #MikaelaLoach and #JosephineBecker, #JackMonroe. If anyone know if they have accounts that I've missed could you let me know please? Thanks
#georgemonbiot #chrispackham #mikaelaloach #josephinebecker #jackmonroe
But it just left me sad that we can't have nice things can we? It's #GeorgeMonbiot's thing about public vs private luxury all over again - a public luxury like a nice bike hire scheme is hard to use because it doesn't have enough funding to provide enough bikes for them to be available to everyone. Whereas Deliveroo, which delivers the private luxury of having restaurant food available for a few clicks by means of these guys on zero hour contracts isn't struggling to sustain itself
@nicolesandler PSA: George Monbiot, Tony Seba among those promoting local precision fermentation for food, reclaiming land from Big Ag wholesale destruction
#GeorgeMonbiot #PrecisionFermentation video: https://youtu.be/Ny9qvGPx5ds
#TonySeba video: https://youtu.be/g6gZHbfK8Vo
#PrecisionFermentation #tonyseba #georgemonbiot
Just read this excellent book. Learnt a lot. BUT, I feel there are two bigger issues not taken into account. One is the number of humans- even if we feed them all while minimizing the effect on the planet, people will still want computers, housing, clothing etc, all of which uses space and resources desperately needed by the plant, animal and fungal inhabitants of earth. We need for discussion about population reduction. #overpopulation #georgemonbiot #sustainability
#overpopulation #georgemonbiot #sustainability
"Punishment without trial: Britain’s latest weapon in the war against dissent"
George Monbiot
"Companies are taking out devastating ‘civil injunctions’ against climate activists – and making them pay the costs..."
#justice #justicesos #civilinjunction #georgemonbiot
@W_Lucht exactly what #GeorgeMonbiot talks about in here, all right in that wxrract you share. The #ClimateDenial/Anti-Immigration nexus is real and, it seems, growing - all fostered by #FossilFuel interests, of course
#georgemonbiot #climatedenial #fossilfuel
@tobeB this is exactly what i have been thinking! So glad #GeorgeMonbiot wrote this, thank you for sharing here. Can’t forget this far-right placard during COP26 in Glasgow - it sums it all up. It may be pretty fringe still at the moment, but better to recognise it (adding a recent #ConspiracyTheory 🧵after finding a flyer here in #Eastbourne with all this on it)
#georgemonbiot #conspiracytheory #eastbourne
@frank_rieger Schönes Beispiel eines reaktionären Techno-Futurismus, ca. die Position, die auch #GeorgeMonbiot vertritt = ein New Deal à la USA-Produktivität WKII wird den Klimawandel (heroisch) meistern. Die Normandie war btw auch das frühe Recherchegebiet von #PaulVirilio, den die deutschen Bunker zur Techno-Apokalypse brachten. Dem mag man nicht folgen, aber die Ingenieurin wird die kapitalistische Produktions-*weise* nicht aufheben.
I love George Monbiot: bc he is thoughtful & enquiring, and follows things - scientifically - to their rational conclusions…
… and, in doing so, isn’t afraid to take on the “bucolic romanticism” fantasies of many Little-House-On-The-Praerie** environmentalists.
And he does so bc he is, I think, prepared to challenge himself & his own beliefs. Somewhat rare.
#environment #ecology #farming #GeorgeMonbiot #environmentalism
(**my term; you have to be or a certain age!)
#environmentalism #georgemonbiot #farming #ecology #Environment
"the best thing we can do to fight neoliberalism is to build community"
Neoliberalism, Climate Change, Migration: George Monbiot https://youtu.be/Z7MFJ4EFezQ #Neoliberalism, #ClimateChange #Migration #GeorgeMonbiot #community
#neoliberalism #climatechange #migration #georgemonbiot #community
If #GeorgeMonbiot stuck true to his logic - I can’t urge people to do things (like blowing up a pipeline) that I won’t do myself - then he should abandon his promotion of #nuclearenergy if he’s not ready to do some uranium mining himself.
Of course his logic is ridiculous, and it’s another example of the arrogant "taking the moral high ground " posture in which he has built his legion of privileged liberal followers.
Despite this, in his latest column where he lays out his flawed logic, he warms up to targeted acts of sabotage!
As #climatechange exponentially wreaks havoc on the habitats of the privileged like Monbiot, we will continue to see them change their pacifist tune in support of militant actions, like David Suzuki recently did. At that point it may be too late.
#georgemonbiot #nuclearenergy #ClimateChange
Dear George it's because many Tories always feel the need to build on every green bit we have...so why rewild it?
#georgemonbiot 👍👍👍👍
#georgemonbiot #conservativegreed
Love this #georgeMonbiot article in @TheGuardian.
If you live in #Wales #cymru you can push for more biodiversity in our built environment via a current #WelshGovernmet consultation
#nature #biodiversity #WelshGovernmet #cymru #Wales #georgemonbiot
@timkmak Favourites include @MichaelEMann and @RebeccaSolnit if calling them journalists is quite right. I wish #GeorgeMonbiot was here
#BookRecommendation of the day: #Regenesis by the brilliant #GeorgeMonbiot
A well researched deep dive into how to feed humanity without destroying the climate, the environment, and ultimately ourselves. What most surprised me about it was how beautifully it's written. The way he writes about different sorts of apples is almost poetry
#bookrecommendation #regenesis #georgemonbiot #bookstodon
How to save 75 Billion Animals | George Monbiot
#DestructiveFarming #ClimateChange #Regenesis #DoubleDownNews #GeorgeMonbiot
#destructivefarming #ClimateChange #regenesis #doubledownnews #georgemonbiot
Fascinating #ClimateReality talk with #GeorgeMonbiot about his book Regenesis: Feeding the World Without Devouring the Planet. Beyond the well advertised point about the importance of #microbiomes to produce #food, #Monbiot was anxious to ensure people talk about the extreme frailty of today's #agriculture #foodsystem: how corporate interests completely stripped off system #resilience mechanisms like redundancy, circuit breakers etc, leaving us at high #risk/high impact https://www.monbiot.com/books/
#ClimateReality #georgemonbiot #microbiomes #food #Monbiot #agriculture #FoodSystem #resilience #risk