44 years ago:
A Little Romance (FR,IT)
A young American girl and a young French boy meet in Paris and fall in love, with the assistance of an old man and his stories.
#ALittleRomance #GeorgeRoyHill #LaurenceOlivier #DianeLane #TheloniousBernard #Movies
#alittleromance #georgeroyhill #laurenceolivier #dianelane #theloniousbernard #movies
56 years ago:
Thoroughly Modern Millie (US)
Millie Dillmount, a fearless young lady fresh from Salina, Kansas, determined to experience Life, sets out to see the world in the rip-roaring Twenties. With high spirits and wearing one of those new high hemlines, she arrives in New York to test the "modern" ideas she had been reading about back in...
#ThoroughlyModernMillie #GeorgeRoyHill #JulieAndrews #JamesFox #MaryTylerMoore #Universal
#thoroughlymodernmillie #georgeroyhill #julieandrews #jamesfox #MaryTylerMoore #universal
59 years ago:
The World of Henry Orient (US)
A mischievous, adventuresome fourteen-year-old girl and her best friend begin following an eccentric concert pianist around New York City after she develops a crush on him.
#TheWorldofHenryOrient #GeorgeRoyHill #PeterSellers #PaulaPrentiss #AngelaLansbury #ClassicFilm
#theworldofhenryorient #georgeroyhill #petersellers #paulaprentiss #angelalansbury #classicfilm
51 years ago:
Slaughterhouse-Five (US)
Billy Pilgrim, a veteran of the Second World War, finds himself mysteriously detached from time, so that he is able to travel, without being able to help it, from the days of his childhood to those of his peculiar life on a distant planet called Tralfamadore, passing through his bitter experience as...
#SlaughterhouseFive #GeorgeRoyHill #MichaelSacks #ValeriePerrine #PerryKing #DedeAllen #Universal #SciFi
#slaughterhousefive #georgeroyhill #michaelsacks #valerieperrine #perryking #dedeallen #universal #scifi
48 years ago:
The Great Waldo Pepper (US)
A biplane pilot who had missed flying in WWI takes up barnstorming and later a movie career in his quest for the glory he had missed.
#TheGreatWaldoPepper #GeorgeRoyHill #RobertRedford #BoSvenson #SusanSarandon #Universal #Movies
#thegreatwaldopepper #georgeroyhill #robertredford #bosvenson #susansarandon #universal #movies
“De acuerdo, saltaré el primero.”
“Entonces hazlo tú.”
“He dicho que no.”
“¿Qué te pasa muchacho?”
“¡Que no sé nadar!”
“Eres un iluso. No creo que salgamos con vida.”
- Butch & Sundance, Dos hombres y un destino | Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
#doshombresyundestino #ButchCassidyandtheSundanceKid #PaulNewman #RobertRedford #georgeroyhill
#doshombresyundestino #butchcassidyandthesundancekid #paulnewman #robertredford #georgeroyhill
46 years ago:
Slap Shot (US)
To build up attendance at their games, the management of a struggling minor-league hockey team signs up the Hanson Brothers, three hard-charging players whose job is to demolish the opposition.
#SlapShot #GeorgeRoyHill #PaulNewman #StrotherMartin #MichaelOntkean #DedeAllen #Universal #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#slapshot #georgeroyhill #paulnewman #strothermartin #michaelontkean #dedeallen #universal #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
The swearing in the film, by 1977 standards, was considered so foul, advertisements contained an additional warning underneath the R-rating: "Certain language may be too strong for children."
Released #OTD 1977
#Slapshot #PaulNewman #MichaelOntkean #NancyDowd #GeorgeRoyHill #Movies #WhatToWatch
#otd #slapshot #paulnewman #michaelontkean #nancydowd #georgeroyhill #movies #WhatToWatch
“De acuerdo, saltaré el primero.”
“Entonces hazlo tú.”
“He dicho que no.”
“¿Qué te pasa muchacho?”
“¡Que no sé nadar!”
“Eres un iluso. No creo que salgamos con vida.”
- Butch & Sundance, Dos hombres y un destino | Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
#doshombresyundestino #newman #redford #georgeroyhill
#doshombresyundestino #newman #redford #georgeroyhill
“De acuerdo, saltaré el primero.”
“Entonces hazlo tú.”
“He dicho que no.”
“¿Qué te pasa muchacho?”
“¡Que no sé nadar!”
“Eres un iluso. No creo que salgamos con vida.”
- Butch & Sundance, Dos hombres y un destino | Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
#doshombresyundestino #butchcassidyandthesundancekid #paulnewman #robertredford #georgeroyhill
#doshombresyundestino #butchcassidyandthesundancekid #paulnewman #robertredford #georgeroyhill
“De acuerdo, saltaré el primero.”
“Entonces hazlo tú.”
“He dicho que no.”
“¿Qué te pasa muchacho?”
“¡Que no sé nadar!”
“Eres un iluso. No creo que salgamos con vida.”
- Butch & Sundance, Dos hombres y un destino (1969)
#doshombresyundestino #paulnewman #robertredford #georgeroyhill
#doshombresyundestino #paulnewman #robertredford #georgeroyhill
#Filmfest #Cinema #Movies #Film #DerClou #TheSting #RobertRedford #PaulNewman #GeorgeRoyHill #Oscar #Crime #Comedy #1930s #TheGreatDepression #Gaunerkomödie #USA1973
Der Clou (The Sting) #Filmfest 774
#filmfest #cinema #movies #film #derclou #thesting #robertredford #paulnewman #georgeroyhill #oscar #crime #comedy #1930s #thegreatdepression #gaunerkomodie #usa1973