At least he told the truth about his need for a pension and lifetime healthcare because he has no education and only low-wage job experience. #cult45 #GeorgeSantosMustResign #GeorgeSantosIsAMotherFuckingLiar #GeorgeSantoslies #fucktheGOP
#cult45 #georgesantosmustresign #georgesantosisamotherfuckingliar #georgesantoslies #fucktheGOP
It doesn’t matter if the Nassau County GOP wants to get rid of him, the national party KNEW he was a conman. Santos is part of a GOP pilot program. #GeorgeSantosIsAMotherFuckingLiar #KevinMcCarthyIsALoser #fucktheGOP
#georgesantosisamotherfuckingliar #kevinmccarthyisaloser #fucktheGOP
The only election #GeorgeSantos could ever rightfully win is for entry into the Hall of Serial Liars.
#GeorgeSantos #georgewho #georgesantosisamotherfuckingliar #politics
"The head of the Nassau County Republican committee, Joseph Cairo Jr., acknowledged the GOP's internal vetting process failed to catch Santos's deceptions."
Yeah. That's a tough one. To vet him, they might have had to, like, make a two-minute phone call or something. Idiots.
#GeorgeSantosIsAMotherFuckingLiar #SantosIsAFraud #GeorgeSantosMustResign
#georgesantosisamotherfuckingliar #santosisafraud #georgesantosmustresign #RepublicansAreDestroyingAmerica There are 4 investigations on this conman. He hit the jackpot with millions coming in from donors, $174k salary, lifetime HC, and a pension. For a chubby, average looking conman, crime paid with A LOT of hard work scamming people who had nothing- like you. #GeorgeSantosIsAMotherFuckingLiar #GeorgeSantoslies #GeorgeSantosMustResign #cult45 #fucktheGOP #KevinMcCarthyIsALoser
#georgesantosisamotherfuckingliar #georgesantoslies #georgesantosmustresign #cult45 #fucktheGOP #kevinmccarthyisaloser Brazilian immigrant, fraudster, con man, ex-call center employee got his campaign funds from an Italian mafioso human trafficker as he tries to prevent asylum seekers who are a shade darker than him from coming into the US. Those Rethugs who voted for him deserve what they get. #fucktheGOP #GeorgeSantosIsAMotherFuckingLiar #cult45 #humantrafficking #mafia
#fucktheGOP #georgesantosisamotherfuckingliar #cult45 #humantrafficking #mafia
Lowest scum of the earth #GeorgeSantosIsAMotherFuckingLiar
George Santos declares that he has been Speaker of the House for the last 12 years.
#speakersantos #FecklessKevin #georgesantosisamotherfuckingliar
Voters need to know that the person they vote for is the person they vote for.
#huh #georgesantosisamotherfuckingliar #politics