#GeorgesBataille 「マダム・エトワルダ」
私のはじまりも #週刊読書人 に載った #バタイユ #Bataille についての本の書評がキッカケなので、この特集はうれしいです。
#読書人 #酒井健 #澤田直 #岩野卓司
#はじまりのバタイユ #ジョルジュバタイユ #GeorgesBataille #法政大学出版局
#法政大学出版局 #georgesbataille #ジョルジュバタイユ #はじまりのバタイユ #岩野卓司 #澤田直 #酒井健 #読書人 #bataille #バタイユ #週刊読書人
#はじまりのバタイユ 、終わり=目的のない #バタイユ #Bataille 。
#法政大学出版局 #岩野卓司 #澤田直 #georgesbataille #ジョルジュバタイユ #bataille #バタイユ #はじまりのバタイユ
Is It Going To Get Any Deeper Than This? ♪ The Soft Pink Truth
これを聴いているとLil Louisの『Journey With the Lonely』も想い浮かぶ。
#音楽のある暮らし #musiclover #選書音楽
#ジャケ買い #jacketlovers
#IsItGoingToGetAnyDeeperThanThis? #TheSoftPinkTruth
#dancemusic #housemusic
#georgesbataille #housemusic #dancemusic #thesoftpinktruth #isitgoingtogetanydeeperthanthis #jacketlovers #ジャケ買い #選書音楽 #musiclover #音楽のある暮らし #nowplaying
No greater desire exists than a wounded person's need for another wound.
"What I want, is that you love me even unto death. For my part, it is in death I love you at this very instant. But I don't want your love unless you know I am repulsive, and love me even as you know it.
#georgesbataille #selfportrait #BehindCurtains #HidingBeindCreatures #flamingoObsession
#georgesbataille #selfportrait #behindcurtains #hidingbeindcreatures #flamingoobsession
La volonté d'échapper à l'apparence aboutit à changer d'apparence.
#GeorgesBataille / Le coupable (1943)
RT @Anh_Mat @totemenbois @eschulthess:
"Je suis moi-même la guerre" #GeorgesBataille
"A kiss is the beginning of cannibalism"
Starry sky
my sister
cursed men
star your death
the light of a great cold
solitude of lightning
absence of humanity at last
I empty myself of memories
a desert sun
effaces my name
star I see
its silence ice
it cries out like a wolf
on my back I fall to the ground
it kills me I guess.
#photography #selfportrait #georgesbataille #poetry
La vérité n'a qu'un visage, celui d'un démenti violent.
#GeorgesBataille / Le mort (1967)
What a Bataille-worthy detail. Reminds me of his famous Chinese one thousand cuts torture.
[On indigenous individuals harming themselves in order to gain power from gods.
From: "Man and the sacred" by Roger Caillois]
#RogerCaillois #GeorgesBataille #sacred #anthropology #religion
#rogercaillois #georgesbataille #sacred #anthropology #religion
Such a fascinating vision from Caillois' "Man and the sacred". A dangerous, harm-causing sacred that the unworthy cannot touch. And the taboo, breaking of which causes damage not only to the person, but also to whole natural order and the universe. It occurs in fiction, folk tales and folk tale-based ecologically minded-anime and stories. He mentioned Christianity and wafer too.
#sacred #RogerCaillois #GeorgesBataille #anthropology #religion #taboo
#sacred #rogercaillois #georgesbataille #anthropology #religion #taboo
Okay, so Mastodon needs hashtags and boosts. I will try to remember that, I forgot about hashtags on twitter. There was only one post on #GeorgesBataille hashtag. It's a good occasion to post again more general things, that have been posted on twitter before. Let's see how it goes.
#HansBellmer ‘s illustrations to #GeorgesBataille ‘s #psychoanalytic #poetic #perversion #StoryOfTheEye
#hansbellmer #georgesbataille #psychoanalytic #poetic #perversion #storyoftheeye
André S. Labarthe : Georges Bataille :
« Comment saisir à mains nues la pensée la plus volcanique du siècle ? Comment approcher par le film ce qui se dérobe à toute approche ? Comment le cinéma – "art de l’image", dit-on – peut-il accueillir et laisser vivre les images inadmissibles qui tissent des récits tels que "Madame Edwara" et "Le Mort" ? Bref, comment parler de Georges Bataille dans un film quand on sait ce film impossible ? » #AndréSLabarthe
#andreslabarthe #georgesbataille