The Champ de Mars Massacre was an incident that took place on 17 July 1791, when soldiers of the National Guard under the Marquis de Lafayette opened fire on a crowd of demonstrators, who were calling for a referendum on the king's abdication and the establishment of a republic. #History #ChampdeMarsMassacre #FrenchRevolution #GeorgesDanton
#georgesdanton #frenchrevolution #champdemarsmassacre #History
The Champ de Mars Massacre was an incident that took place on 17 July 1791, when soldiers of the National Guard under the Marquis de Lafayette opened fire on a crowd of demonstrators, who were calling for a referendum on the king's abdication and the establishment of a republic. #History #ChampdeMarsMassacre #FrenchRevolution #GeorgesDanton
#georgesdanton #frenchrevolution #champdemarsmassacre #History
Am 30. März 1794, heute vor 229 Jahren, wurden während der Französischen Revolution die Dantonisten verhaftet.
Die Gruppe um Georges Danton hatte sich gegen die Fortsetzung der Terrorherrschaft gegen (vermeintliche) Gegner der Revolution ausgesprochen.
Der Wohlfahrtsausschuss unter Maximilien de Robespierre ließ die Dantonisten verhaften und am 5. April wurden sie hingerichtet.
#geschichte #historisch #heutevor #geschichtetoday #französischerevolution #georgesdanton #danton #robespierre
#robespierre #danton #georgesdanton #franzosischerevolution #geschichtetoday #heutevor #historisch #geschichte
Georges Jacques Danton (1759-1794) was a French lawyer who became a prominent leader of the French Revolution (1789-1799). Danton played a major role in the overthrow of the French monarchy and the subsequent establishment of the First French Republic. He eventually took a moderate stance and opposed the Reign of Terror, leading to his execution on 5 April 1794. #history #ReignOfTerror #GeorgesDanton #FrenchRevolution
#frenchrevolution #georgesdanton #reignofterror #History