Xe Quin Pasme! · @XeQuinPasme
109 followers · 1347 posts · Server mastodont.cat

A qui no li sona la icònica imatge de la 🌝 amb un 🚀 a un ull? Fou una de les primeres escenes de de la història del . S'ha engegat una campanya per a salvar i restaurar la cripta de l'inventor dels .


#cienciaficció #cinema #efectesespecials #georgesméliès #fx #film #first

Last updated 6 years ago

Le Farfadet · @LeFarfadet
56 followers · 95 posts · Server mastodon.art

Finally graduated! Japan Expo: done! Find a job: done! Find a flat (for the moment): done!
Aaaah!.... But it's not finish, I have to work now (again...).

So here the second poster of my graduated film. and here where you can find the others blogs of my crew =)

Mégane Lepage: lepagemegane.tumblr.com/
Kevin Langouët: deviantart.com/foudubulbe
Meghan Marino: instagram.com/saul_n_life/
Agathe Revillod: vimeo.com/user67915457

#graduatedfilm #battleroyal #georgesméliès #schoolfilm

Last updated 7 years ago

Le Farfadet · @LeFarfadet
56 followers · 95 posts · Server mastodon.art

Just finishing my graduate film at Georges Méliès school!... So tired but still working on the export. Here the first poster of "Battle Royal" =)

#graduatefilm #battleroyal #georgesméliès #schoolfilm #odette #spoon

Last updated 7 years ago