Was watching this earlier: John Le Carre (and others) talking about snagging Alex Guinness for the role of Smiley in Tinker, Tailor... And how Guinness prepared for the role, interacted with director, cast members, etc. Fascinating stuff!
#TV #filmmaking #cinema #movies #film #spies #espionage #SpyMovies #JohnLeCarre #GeorgeSmiley
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NYJ, I was born the last day UPA: Form in the Animated Cartoon was open for viewing at #MOMA, the hopes that comes news of late career recording are usually disappointed. #Yossarian #GeorgeSmiley #Parker #HarryFlashman #SteveCarella #HarryLime #Kugelmass #OldGoriot #MosesHerzog #Robin #Marian #PrinceSalina #RuthMayPrice #TheFanMan #WillyLoman #Kavalier #Clay #LewArcher #PhilipMarlowe #NickandNora #YakovBok #LilyBart #TomRipley #Dortmunder #JosephineandDaphne #LouFord #BiggerThomas #Scratch #Puck
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I asked one of them AI thingies how much George Smiley loves Ann. It said this “George Smiley loves Ann deeply, despite her serial adultery. He was gifted a cigarette lighter from her inscribed with the words 'To George from Ann with all my love', and his weakness is that he loves her despite her flaws”. #GeorgeSmiley #JohnLeCarré
#7Books #7BooksChallenge because why not
In no particular order:
1. Gaudy Night by Dorothy L. Sayers
2. A Civil Campaign by Lois McMaster Bujold
3. The Truth by Terry Pratchett (but really, ALL of Discworld)
4. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy by John Le Carre
5. This Immortal by Roger Zelazny
6. Imzadi by Peter David
7. The Complete Poems of Constantine Cavafy (trans. by Rae Dalven)
#LordPeterWimsey #VorkosiganSaga #Discworld #GeorgeSmiley #SciFi #StarTrek #Poetry
#7books #7bookschallenge #lordpeterwimsey #vorkosigansaga #discworld #georgesmiley #scifi #startrek #poetry #listsubjecttochange
21 of #500moviecocktails published. 479 to go:
"George Smiley's Moscow Mule".
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