New Yorker: Abortion Opponents Are Targeting a Signature G.O.P. Public-Health Initiative #NewYorker #Republicans(G.O.P.) #News/DailyComment #AbortionRights #GeorgeW.Bush #H.I.V./AIDS
#newyorker #Republicans #news #abortionrights #georgew #h
CBDC will be used for ‘control’ ECB president admits in vid chat with fake Zelensky - The ECB President admitted that “there will be control” in regard... - #europeancentralbank #georgew.bush #watcherguru #j.krowling #zelensky #control #prank
#prank #control #zelensky #j #watcherguru #georgew #europeancentralbank
#NYTimes article confirms 3rd stolen U.S. presidential election by #Republicans in 43ys
#Reagan sabotaged #JimmyCarter reelection w/ #JohnConnally assist
#GeorgeW stole frm #AlGore > #JebBush assist
#TFG stole frm #Hilary > #Putin assist
Abt 1 steal every 1/2 generation or every 14.33yrs.
So #Democrats would’ve shaped #policy at least 12 more yrs > w/ 28% more influence at natl-global scale if no cheating by the despicables. Significant.
#johnconnally #america #Politics #benbarnes #policy #democrats #Putin #hilary #TFG #jebbush #algore #georgew #jimmycarter #reagan #republicans #nytimes
20 Years Later, NYT Still Can’t Face Its Iraq War Shame
On the 20th anniversary of the Iraq invasion, the New York Times says “it’s complicated” to a disaster it can't admit it helped create.
#GeorgeW.Bush #Iraq #NewYorkTimes #War&Military
#georgew #iraq #newyorktimes #war
The shadow of the Iraq war lingers on
#Iraq #Iraqwar #iraqwar #SaddamHussein #GeorgeW.Bush #AbuGhraib #9/11 #terrorism
#terrorism #abughraib #georgew #saddamhussein #iraqwar #iraq
New Yorker: The G.O.P. and the Ghosts of Iraq #NewYorker #News/LetterfromBiden’sWashington #RepublicanParty(G.O.P.) #BankingCrisis #GeorgeW.Bush #Politics #IraqWar
#newyorker #news #republicanparty #bankingcrisis #georgew #politics #iraqwar
@patricklee @GreenFire @benda @steyrshrek @GhostOnTheHalfShell @Cassandra
Absolutely true.
The historical perspective on Obama will definitely include that, and he did a better job that anyone I know could have.
Unfortunately, he also let the air out of most activists' tires. He was forced to clean up the #GOP & #GeorgeW mistakes. As usual.
The #Republicans have figured out how to implement obstruction as a #political tactic
Even more reason to #VoteBlue until clear
#gop #georgew #republicans #political #VoteBlue
@CarlLewistoo In the US, we allegedly live in a meritocracy, but corrupt people who fail spectacularly keep getting elevated to higher positions. Same as #911attacks. There were plenty of warning signs, #GeorgeW.Bush and #DickCheney lied, then they got carte blanche for permanent war funding and mass domestic surveillance, with no accountability
#dickcheney #georgew #911attacks
Amerikas Antiterrorkrieg und das Scheitern in Afghanistan
Nach dem 11. September 2001 riefen die USA den globalen Krieg gegen den Terrorismus aus. Keine drei Jahre später verkündeten sie den ersten Sieg in diesem Krieg – ausgerechnet in Afghanistan. Das sollte nic
#Afghanistan #NaherOsten #USA #Zentralasien #9/11 #afghanistan #anti-terror-krieg #georgew.bush #irak #usa #vereinigteStaaten #waronterror
#afghanistan #naherosten #usa #zentralasien #anti #georgew #irak #vereinigtestaaten #waronterror