Autumn slate for the excellent Indy press, Avery Hill announced: new #GraphicNovels from Claire Scully, Owen D Pomery & George Wylesol. Details on Down the Tubes
#comics #BandeDessinee #books #livres #OwenDPomery #ClaireScully #GeorgeWylesol #AveryHillPublishing #IndyComics
#indycomics #averyhillpublishing #georgewylesol #clairescully #owendpomery #livres #books #bandedessinee #comics #graphicnovels
2120 by #GeorgeWylesol might not be my #GOTY (that would probably be IMMORTALITY) but has stayed with me weeks later.
Fascinating, at times frustrating, at other times mind boggling, the creator plays with and breaks the rules of game design multiple times while also taking advantage of the affordances of a graphic novel (like seeing content from another branch as you flip).
A literal page turner, if you will. Previous thread: