Il 06 Luglio 2022 veniva distrutto un #TempioMassonico: le #GeorgiaGuidestones!
La distruzione di un tempio ha un profondo significato #occulto, nella tradizione #occidentale.
Ma per capire il significato di tale gesto, bisogna prima capire come e perché il #Tempio distrutto sia stato eretto.
Qui un bell'articolo de #TheObserver, che spiega i retroscena di questo particolare tempio massonico.
Fraternità e LVX!
Articolo ➤!Aq_Mmb44iiPWkBCevwtHd0i2xeB3?e=mwEev6
#insegnamentodellavia #tempiomassonico #georgiaguidestones #occulto #occidentale #tempio #theobserver
NEVER FORGET the evil many christians in our country are committing.
@georgetakei @donmelton @Wild @EgyptianAphorist @TomSullivan @dabertime @nicolesandler @kottke
#gaguidestones #Georgia #georgiaguidestones
"The association of increased risk of COVID-19 with higher numbers of prior vaccine doses in our study, was unexpected." Not to anyone who's been paying attention...
#FollowTheScience #FreedomIsEssential #questionauthority #theyliedpeopledied #mybodymychoice #adversereactions #AdverseEvents #MandateFreedom #medicalfreedom #NUREMBERG2 #DiedSuddenly #VAIDS #antibodydependentenhancement #freedom #ADE #TLR #innateimmunesuppression #worldeconomicforum #medicaltyranny #totalitarianism #totalcontrol #newworldorder #nwo #wef #georgiaguidestones #depopulation #populationcontrol #eugenics #notsafenoteffective #unsafeineffective #crimesagainsthumanity #ARRESTGATES #ArrestFauci #Pfizergate #RealNotRare
By my absolutely amazing friend, who wishes to remain anonymous.
#cub #furry #age_difference #georgia_guidestones #georgiaguidestones
#cub #furry #age_difference #georgia_guidestones #georgiaguidestones
Ich weiß, das kommt jetzt #ploetzlichundunerwartet, aber: Um die rechte Verschwörungsblase (#verschwoerung) so richtig zu triggern: Was haltet ihr von einem Crowdfunding, die #GeorgiaGuidestones wieder aufzubauen?
#georgiaguidestones #Verschwoerung #ploetzlichundunerwartet
Digitizing the Georgia Guidestones
#georgiaguidestones #photogrammetry
Join us TONIGHT- 9:00PM ET LIVE premiere! Known around the truth movement as “The Guidestones Lady”, Sheila Holm is a leading authority on the #GeorgiaGuidestones and #ForefathersMonument, as well as author of 18 books! She knows the #cabal and #deepstate have their plans, but that God's plans are BIGGER! Tonight we sit down to really dig deep into what God has been showing Sheila about what’s really going on behind the curtain. Watch!!! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
#DeepState #cabal #ForefathersMonument #georgiaguidestones
here you go. this is interesting.
not super interesting but not boring either.
say hi to peppe
Eugenicist who said ‘billions must soon die’ called for same number of survivors as was engraved on #GeorgiaGuidestones as ‘vaccine genocide’ is carried out by the #CDC and #bigpharma
#BigPharma #cdc #georgiaguidestones
Eugenicist who said ‘billions must soon die’ called for same number of survivors as was engraved on #GeorgiaGuidestones as ‘vaccine genocide’ is carried out by the #CDC and #bigpharma
#BigPharma #cdc #georgiaguidestones
By my absolutely amazing friend, who wishes to remain anonymous.
Commissioned by me!
#InTheMatrixxx and #ShadyGrooove talked about the explosion that destroyed the #GeorgiaGuidestones #conspiracy
#Conspiracy #georgiaguidestones #ShadyGrooove #inthematrixxx
#InTheMatrixxx and #ShadyGrooove talked about the explosion that destroyed the #GeorgiaGuidestones #conspiracy
#Conspiracy #georgiaguidestones #ShadyGrooove #inthematrixxx
#InTheMatrixxx and #ShadyGrooove talked about the explosion that destroyed the #GeorgiaGuidestones #conspiracy
#Conspiracy #georgiaguidestones #ShadyGrooove #inthematrixxx
「Georgia Guidestones」Daré una breve explicación y daré mi opinión, dejare fuentes, fotos y las escrituras en 3 idiomas. Abro 5 hilos. 🧵
‘Rebuild #GeorgiaGuidestones’ Trending on Google 🗿
‘Rebuild #GeorgiaGuidestones’ Trending on Google 🗿