The story of rivercane is the story of human change wrought on the environment and of persistence in the face of cultural devastation. Burnaway's story is well worth reading.
We have several rivercane Cherokee baskets in our collection (as well as baskets made of oak and maple -- more modern substitutes), including this beauty that dates from the mid-to-late 19th century.
#georgiamuseumofart #rivercane #burnaway #cherokeebaskets
Volunteers help our museum run. We give out the M. Smith Griffith Volunteer of the Year Award to recognize one annually. This year's recipient was Maggie Hancock, who has applied her creative energies to many museum events. Read on for more about Maggie and about our new Friends board members.
#GeorgiaMuseumOfArt #FriendsOfTheGeorgiaMuseumOfArt #MaggieHancock #MuseumVolunteers
#georgiamuseumofart #friendsofthegeorgiamuseumofart #maggiehancock #museumvolunteers
Want to keep up with what's going on at our museum? It's absolutely free to join at the "Friend" level. Donors to the Annual Fund at the Reciprocal level get reciprocal membership privileges to more than 1200 museums throughout North America, an excellent deal if you're a huge museum nerd. To join or learn more about joining, visit
#GeorgiaMuseumOfArt #FriendsOfTheGeorgiaMuseumOfArt #MuseumNerds
#georgiamuseumofart #friendsofthegeorgiamuseumofart #museumnerds
Chris Peterson, a longtime Board of Advisors member at our museum, is taking over as head of that board. Here's a brief interview with him that discusses some of his priorities and his history with our museum.
#georgiamuseumofart #chrispeterson
Still working on blog posts about each decade of our history. This time: the 1990s. It feels like yesterday to us Gen Xers, but lots has changed since then. Here's a look back at our then new building, our first website and more.
Yes, big museums in big cities that are major tourist attractions are raising their ticket prices. But that's because they are the only museums that can count on ticket sales as a major source of income.
The average museum makes 5 - 10 percent of the dollars it takes in from ticket sales.
#freeadmissionforall #georgiamuseumofart
@hyperallergic has a short piece on Mitchell Johnson, whose work we featured on our Instagram recently:
For daily inspiration from our collection, follow us at
#mitchelljohnson #georgiamuseumofart #contemporaryart
"Where Shadows Cross: Photography by Jim Fiscus" is now open.
#GeorgiaMuseumOfArt #JimFiscus #Photography #MuseumExhibition #ArtMuseum
#georgiamuseumofart #jimfiscus #photography #museumexhibition #artmuseum
My goodness, Judith McWillie's videos archived at UNC Libraries are a treasure. Well-organized, well-labeled, mostly digitized. There is tons of material in here for anyone interested in southern folk/self-taught artists (Dilmus Hall, Mary T. Smith, the amazing Lonnie Holley) and more.
#FolkArt #GeorgiaMuseumOfArt #UniversityOfGeorgia #JudyMcWillie
#folkart #georgiamuseumofart #universityofgeorgia #judymcwillie
Such a nice article on Leon Polk Smith from @artnews.
We have a work of his in our collection that isn't dated but was given in 1946, meaning it was created that year or earlier. Apologies for the not-great photograph.
#leonpolksmith #georgiamuseumofart #indigenousartists
We're working on a book about the Athens sculptor Harold Rittenberry, a metalworker who was born here and has spent pretty much his whole life here. You can read more about him in this Salvation South article:
#haroldrittenberry #athensgaartist #georgiamuseumofart
@folkartmuseum Our exhibition (and catalogue) "Georgia's Girlhood Embroidery: 'Crowned with Glory and Immortality'" (from 2015) went into some of the stories of girls who made samplers in early Georgia. The book that resulted was the first one to cover Georgia as a topic and continues to sell well, eight years later. Pick up a copy at
#Samplers #GirlhoodEmbroidery #GeorgiaMuseumOfArt #EarlyGeorgiaHistory
#samplers #girlhoodembroidery #georgiamuseumofart #earlygeorgiahistory
Another snapshot featuring a hidden registrar, this time in an untitled lithograph by Michel Seuphor.
#MuseumRegistrars #GeorgiaMuseumOfArt #ArtMuseum #MichelSeuphor
#museumregistrars #georgiamuseumofart #artmuseum #michelseuphor
Museum internships really can turn into museum jobs. Our new assistant curator of education is just one example on staff.
#MuseumInternships #GeorgiaMuseumOfArt #ArtMuseum #MuseumEducators
#museuminternships #georgiamuseumofart #artmuseum #museumeducators
Who IS David Odo, our new director, who started on June 26? He was nice enough to do a Q&A with us despite a whole lot of meetings on his schedule.
#georgiamuseumofart #harvardartmuseums #artmuseum #davidodo
In our image files, we have high-res professional photos of works of art, but we also have (and sometimes use) quick snapshots taken by our registrars to document works as they come in. If those works are framed under glass, sometimes you can catch a glimpse of those registrars as they go about their jobs. It's sort of a metaphor for their invisible but crucial work.
#museumregistrars #georgiamuseumofart #artmuseum
Can't make it here before our exhibition "Art is a form of freedom" closes? We've got a short video walkthrough of the show, organized by the incarcerated folks of Whitworth Women's Facility in Hartwell, Georgia.
#ArtIsAFormOfFreedom #GeorgiaMuseumOfArt #MuseumExhibition #ArtMuseum
#artisaformoffreedom #georgiamuseumofart #museumexhibition #artmuseum
Here's the next one in our series of blog posts about our history. This time? The 1980s -- an era that included some exciting acquisitions, a celebration of our 40th anniversary (back when we could have candles in the galleries 😂 ), three new directors and a severe lack of space as the collection grew.
#georgiamuseumofart #artmuseum #1980s
Lots of fun today scanning installation photos for the exhibition "Michelangelo Pistoletto: Furniture-Environments," which the Georgia Museum of Art presented April 15 – May 13, 1979. Not only does the show itself look very interesting, but there are lots of process shots of the installation itself. Not every show in our files has these, so it's exciting to find them.
#GeorgiaMuseumOfArt #MichelangeloPistoletto #ArtePovera #ArtInstallation #ArtExhibition
#georgiamuseumofart #michelangelopistoletto #artepovera #artinstallation #artexhibition
This weekend is the 25th annual Athfest (, a huge celebration of the music and creative culture of the Classic City. To go along with that, here's an online exhibition called "A Glimpse of Athens" that our museum studies students put together last semester, focusing on different themes and different views of our home over time:
#AthensGeorgia #GeorgiaMuseumOfArt #OnlineExhibition #ArtExhibition #Athfest
#athensgeorgia #georgiamuseumofart #onlineexhibition #artexhibition #athfest