GeoServer 2.22.5 release is available!
This is the last scheduled maintenance release for the 2.22.x series (and thus the last release with Java 8 compatibility).
This update includes a small number of improvements, bug fixes, and a few updated libraries.
Thanks to Peter Smythe for making this release while team members were attending @osgeo Bolsena code sprint.
Very productive day at Bolsena #osgeo code sprint as temperatures lower and some rain in the air made it feel like #scotland :-) just managing to hold the happy dance in until the build server agrees with me on it working. Next stop #GeoServer tomorrow.
#osgeo #scotland #geoserver #geotools #codesprint
The response from #Esri support contained 5 "workarounds" for their web adaptor not doing the only job it exists to do.
None have worked.
The web adaptor has gone down 32 times in 24 hours under modest loads.
Still using #ArcGIS Enterprise as best we can in spite of sporadic blips in connectivity, but alternatives are actively being investigated.
Can't wait for #FOSS4GNA to attend the #GeoNode / #GeoServer sessions!
#esri #arcgis #foss4gna #geonode #geoserver
@jimmysjolund open source is very much under strain. Watching #Hasicorp nope out is a symptom. Regulatory pressure of #CRA is a symptom. #GeoServer community not testing release candidates a symptom
Sustainable requires care: with time (participation) or money (delegate participation)
RedHat saying "no" to customers who purchase enterprise support (the product) for 1 server and the rely on bug-for-bug distribution for N-1 servers seems fair. Approach breaks delegating participation
#jeRecrute (pas moi) Le CNPF recrute un·e apprenti·e géomaticien·ne
#Géomatique #Télédétection #traitementDImage #SIG #développement #PostGIS #QGIS #Geoserver #OTB #Python #Apprentissage #Alternance
#jerecrute #geomatique #teledetection #traitementdimage #sig #developpement #postgis #qgis #geoserver #otb #python #apprentissage #alternance
Started on adding to #GeoServer webpage.
Now several hours later:
- increased visibility for sponsors and core contributors
- found the website still had nabble and IRC information
- added sponsorship page from the wiki
- changed links from http to https
- etc…
GeoServer 2.23.2 release is available!
The headline feature is a new Security > URL Checks page
This prevents abuse of OGC Web Services that like to use URLs parameters (mitigating SSRF).
GeoServer 2.23.2 release is available!
The headline feature is a new Security > URL Checks page
This prevents abuse of OGC Web Services that like to use URLs parameters (mitigating SSRF).
Disruption ahead, refactoring from org.opengis to org.geotools.api:
I was just met with surprise at how much work will be required, and figured I better make a blog post to warn other projects and project teams.
#osgeo #foss4g #geotools #geoserver
This week's #Geogeeks evening on Wednesday (5 July) will have another three short talks:
* Ben Ritter: #OpenStreetMap’s big forking problem: OSM centrelines to full streets.
* Julien Perret: Towards the harmonization of digital field data entry for geological mapping: an in-house #QGIS #QField based template.
* Mark Jessell: Delivering data using #GeoServer with #TerriaMap and custom systems.
More info here:
#geogeeks #OpenStreetMap #qgis #qfield #geoserver #terriamap
I am attending #foss4g next week, stating with a #GeoServer workshop with @ianturton
If you know what #FOSS4G is you are already prepared for my stream to provide random updates, encouragement and snark :)
If you do not know the Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial conference check out @foss4g for the global event, and look for a regional @osgeo event in your area
In case any #GeoServer users are worried about CVE-2022-24846 - it's a duplicate of one that was fixed over a year ago.
@IvanSanchez @doublebyte in this case I have a chicken vs egg problem with geoserver functionality and funding model:
#GeoServer only like to release/support things when ready/finished
Hard to attract funding for functionality that people can’t see and try out
Nightly build are available, even as Docker image now, but this is not widely known
Nouvelle version LTR de QGIS 3.28
#qgis #MapServer #GeoServer #MapBox #OpenLayers #gistribe #gischat #fossgis #foss4g #OSGeo #DataViz #opensource #spatial #geospatial #gis #geo #geoObserver
#qgis #MapServer #geoserver #mapbox #Openlayers #gistribe #gischat #fossgis #foss4g #osgeo #dataviz #opensource #spatial #geospatial #gis #geo #geoobserver
Nouvelle version LTR de QGIS 3.28
#qgis #MapServer #GeoServer #MapBox #OpenLayers #gistribe #gischat #fossgis #foss4g #OSGeo #DataViz #opensource #spatial #geospatial #gis #geo #geoObserver
#qgis #MapServer #geoserver #mapbox #Openlayers #gistribe #gischat #fossgis #foss4g #osgeo #dataviz #opensource #spatial #geospatial #gis #geo #geoobserver
Hei ho #gischat,does anyone ideas about this never answered #geoserver / #geotools question?
Springer Makes Open Source Chapter Of Upcoming Handbook Of Geographic Information Freely Accessible In April
-- <-- shared journal issue
H/T Doug Newcomb
[a good overview of open source GIS software stacks]
“... As a service to the readers, the reference section of this chapter includes scientific video recordings which provide additional content regarding software capabilities, historical notes and background information: #Actinia, #GeoBlackLight, #GeoPaparazzi, #GeoPython, #GeoServer, #GeoTools, #GMT, #GRASSGIS, #gvSIG, #JTS, #Leaflet, #MapServer, #NASAWorldWind, #OSGeoLive. #PostGIS, #PROJ, #QGIS, #rasdaman. In addition, scientific videos about the #OSGeo Foundation and the annual #SolKatzAwards or #GeospatialFreeandOpenSourceSoftware are included…”
#GIS #spatial #mapping #free #opensource #software #FOSS #opensourcesoftware #algorithms #geospatialtechnology #postgresql #postgres #softwarestacks
#actinia #geoblacklight #geopaparazzi #geopython #geoserver #geotools #gmt #grassgis #gvsig #jts #leaflet #MapServer #nasaworldwind #osgeolive #postgis #proj #qgis #rasdaman #osgeo #solkatzawards #geospatialfreeandopensourcesoftware #gis #spatial #mapping #free #opensource #software #foss #OpenSourceSoftware #algorithms #geospatialtechnology #PostgreSQL #postgres #softwarestacks
Getting Started with Your Own Open Source GIS Architecture: Setting up GeoServer and PostgreSQL with the PostGIS extension on AWS
#aws #geoserver #opensource #postgresql #postgis
Mes 3 marrotes du moment: #geoserver, #maplibre et #penpot. Et vous, y a quoi qui vous intéresse / passionne en ce moment dans le libre ?