Make Use Of: The 8 Best Free Android Apps to Find Your Friends via GPS #Tech #MakeUseOf #TechNews #IT via @morganeogerbc #SamsungGalaxyTips #LocationData #AndroidApps #Geotagging #Geocaching #GoogleMaps #Android #Maps #GPS
#Tech #MakeUseOf #technews #it #SamsungGalaxyTips #locationdata #AndroidApps #geotagging #geocaching #googlemaps #android #maps #gps
Here's a friendly reminder of the usefulness of geotagging photos using GPS tracks, even in this age of GPS in cameras and phones.
These photos are from a weekend run with my Nikon Coolpix W300, a compact waterproof camera with a GPS. The 1st map is where the camera thought it was. The 2nd map is after geotagging with a continuous GPS track.
The difference can be 100 m in some cases. That's important for nature observations. I see the same with my iPhone photos.
One of the niftier pictures I took was while walking around near the river. I kept hearing this chirp above me and when I looked up, there was the brown-headed cowbird that would make a single chirp and completely fluff up his body and spread out his wings and tail. I have no idea what or why this display, but he looked cool!
Part of the ACDSee program I use is it maps out all the locations when photos have geodata. I like how it just shows I wandered all over kingdom come today.
#LahontanValley #LahontanReservoir #DiversionDam #CarsonLakeAndPastureWMA SLineReservoir #HarmonReservoir #IndianLakes #StillwaterNWR #Nevada #Birds #Birding #BirdWatching #Wildlife #NaturePhotography #WildlifePhotography #BirdPhotography #BirdsOfMastodon #BrownHeadedCowbird #GoogleMap #Geotagging
#lahontanvalley #lahontanreservoir #diversiondam #carsonlakeandpasturewma #harmonreservoir #indianlakes #stillwaternwr #nevada #birds #birding #birdwatching #wildlife #naturephotography #wildlifephotography #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #brownheadedcowbird #googlemap #geotagging
A friendly reminder not to blindly trust locations that smart phones add to photos.
All these were taken in our house, yet their locations from my iPhone 13 span about 1 km.
It's probably because I took photos inside before my phone had figured out where I was. The same easily happens under a forest canopy.
This is important when making nature observations for platforms like #iNaturalist. I geotag my photos from a GPS track, including my iPhone photos.
#inaturalist #geotagging #smartphone #photography
Sometimes, it's the small things.
#NeoFinder8 can now use #GPS coordinates copied from #Microsoft #Bing #Maps
These have a different format than #Google Maps.
Paste them to any photo or video in NeoFinder to set the GPS GeoTag to that coordinate.
#Apple #macOS #RAW #Catalog #Olympus #Canon #Nikon #Fuji #DigitalAssetManager #Photography #Photographer #PhotoLibrary #PhotographySoftware #PhotographyWorkflow #Photosoftware #IndieDev #DAM #MediaPro #iView #Software #Archive #geotagging
#neofinder8 #gps #microsoft #bing #Maps #google #Apple #macos #raw #catalog #olympus #canon #nikon #fuji #digitalassetmanager #photography #photographer #photolibrary #photographysoftware #photographyworkflow #photosoftware #indiedev #dam #mediapro #iview #software #archive #geotagging
Sometimes, it's the small things.
#NeoFinder8 can now use #GPS coordinates copied from #Microsoft #Bing #Maps
These have a different format than #Google Maps.
Paste them in NeoFinder to set the GPS GeoTag to that coordinate.
#Apple #macOS #RAW #Catalog #Olympus #Canon #Nikon #Fuji #DigitalAssetManager #Photography #Photographer #PhotoLibrary #PhotographySoftware #PhotographyWorkflow #Photosoftware #IndieDev #DAM #MediaPro #iView #Software #Archive #geotagging
#NeoFinder8 #gps #microsoft #bing #maps #google #apple #macos #raw #catalog #olympus #canon #nikon #fuji #Digitalassetmanager #photography #photographer #photolibrary #photographysoftware #PhotographyWorkflow #Photosoftware #indiedev #dam #mediapro #iview #software #archive #geotagging
I wrote a bit about my photography workflow: how I take pictures, how I store them and geotag them, and how I keep my backups in order.
Writing it all down makes me realize how elaborate the process is. Every individual step makes perfect sense, though!
#photography #workflow #backups #fuji #geotagging #HoudahGeo
#houdahgeo #geotagging #fuji #backups #workflow #photography
@clackable that’s exactly why I do it! I can’t speak from a professional workflow perspective, but I’ve been #geotagging my Apple Photos collection for the last the last 17 years, the first 9 years by hand (as in looking up addresses)! Now it’s really fun to look back at my trips with the kids!
Will there be #geotagging in the next version of #mastodon?
I know the network is by design meant to be harder to search through, but I think it would be a great feature.
Haven’t had a chance to check: when you post a photo to #Mastodon does it strip out #geotagging data?
Was für eine Überraschung! Nun bin ich schon seit fast zwei Jahren sehr häufig in dem Wald unterwegs, in dessen Nähe ich wohne, hab selbst schon die eine oder andere Ecke getaggt und nun finde ich einen POI nicht weit des Hauptweges, der mir noch nicht bekannt war.
#osmand #openstreetmap #geotagging #potsdam #natur #wildpark #baumdenkmal
#baumdenkmal #wildpark #natur #potsdam #geotagging #openstreetmap #osmand
I have begun to geotag my photos, starting with the oldest from when I got my first digital camera. I also add face tags along the way.
So far, I have geotagged approx. 1250 photos from January 2004 to mid June 2004 + few random photos from 2016, 2018, and 2020.
When I am done with all of these photos, I will geotag and add face tags to my old scanned analog photos from the 90s and back.
Oh, how I wish to be able to geotag RAW photos and videos 🥺
Looking for #software for #geotagging photos, that is, converting the #GPS coordinates into suitable #XMP #tags.
Any suggestions?
#photography #askmastodon #tags #xmp #gps #geotagging #software