@JohanEmpa #DistrictHeating is a good fit in places where access heat is readily available. It’s especially promising in combination with #geothemal energy. That leaves many places where it will be difficult to compete with #HeatPumps
#districtheating #geothemal #heatpumps
RT @FilipaVMatias: Always a pleasure to meet you ladies! @EU_Pavilion is a great example on how #H2020 #geothemal projects can support each other in disseminating their results! Thank you! @cinea_EU #EGC2022 #EUbooth2022
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/cleanenergy_eu/status/1583010106874433540
#H2020 #geothemal #EGC2022 #EUBooth2022
RT @FilipaVMatias: Always a pleasure to meet you ladies! @EU_Pavilion is a great example on how #H2020 #geothemal projects can support each other in disseminating their results! Thank you! @cinea_EU #EGC2022 #EUbooth2022
#H2020 #geothemal #EGC2022 #EUBooth2022