#Introduction. First steps on vis.social. Hi all 👋 I am a research engineer in geographic information sciences at CNRS in the RIATE team. My work is mainly focused on spatial data visualization (aka cartography). I like #rstats and #rspatial. But today, my work is mostly in javascript with @observablehq 🌍📊💛. I develop the #bertinjs & #geotoolbox libraries. My favorite hashtag is #JSspatial. See https://observablehq.com/@neocartocnrs
#JSspatial #geotoolbox #bertinjs #rspatial #rstats #introduction
#Introduction. First steps on vis.social. Hi all 👋 I am a research engineer in geographic information sciences at CNRS in the RIATE team. My work is mainly focused on spatial data visualization (aka cartography). I like #rstats and #rspatial. But today, my work is mostly in javascript with @observablehq 🌍📊💛. I develop the #bertinjs & #geotoolbox libraries. My favorite hashtag is #JSspatial. See https://observablehq.com/@neocartocnrs
#JSspatial #geotoolbox #bertinjs #rspatial #rstats #introduction