#Mobile #Cellphones #Geotracking #DataProtection #Privacy: “That’s the fundamental question brands need to ask themselves — what kind of relationship do you have with your shoppers, and are you one that has a lot of frequent interactions, or do you have moments, like in travel, when somebody is going to have 50 different questions?” Kodali, from Forrester, said. For a lot of companies, the answer to that question is no.
Kodali said that a lot of businesses have rolled out apps basically on account of FOMO — meaning fear of missing out — because they see everyone else doing it. Goldberg echoed the sentiment, adding that businesses have had plans for an app in place for a while and so have just proceeded without really asking whether it makes sense. “Only the very biggest and best companies can win the mobile app game,” he said. “Often, I see the mid-tier companies and the long-tier companies that shouldn’t be trying to compete with the goliaths ... but they make the mistake of trying to emulate what Amazon and Walmart are doing.”
Yes, the data is valuable to companies, but it’s not as exclusive to apps as it used to be. “You can get just as much data from good mobile webpages as you can from a mobile app,” Goldberg said."
#mobile #cellphones #geotracking #dataprotection #privacy
That mantra: "Law is equal for all". However, the resources to avoid the consequences are definetely not.
"Google will pay $29.5M to settle two lawsuits over its location tracking practice" @ https://securityaffairs.com/140206/laws-and-regulations/google-pays-29-5m-location-tracking.html
#privacy #geotracking #infosec
Surveillance Capitalism Technology
Where you go and when helps all those companies create their "Voodoo Doll" of you, and then they can start guessing about what you might want next.
#Surveillance #Tracking #SocialMedia #Geotracking
#surveillance #tracking #socialmedia #geotracking
Left-wing media attacks “2000 Mules” election fraud documentary by claiming geotracking data doesn’t work, but the #CDC used GPS #geotracking to study social distancing
Left-wing media attacks “2000 Mules” election fraud documentary by claiming geotracking data doesn’t work, but the #CDC used GPS #geotracking to study social distancing
Kennt ihr einen #Newsletter Anbieter mit Serverstandort Deutschland der kein #GeoTracking keine #Öffnungsrate und keine #Klickrate misst?
Dachte bisher #sendinblue sei da gut aufgestellt, aber ich finde keine Option, um das Tracking auszuschalten.
Dienste wie riseup sind ja eher ein E-Mail Verteiler und kein Newsletter-Anbieter, oder?
#newsletter #geotracking #Öffnungsrate #klickrate #sendinblue
Ja, mir geht es genauso. Die #Lizenz der Bilder ist nicht das Problem bei Mapillary, sondern das personaisierte #Geotracking, das ich bei der Benutzung der Mapillary App dieser Betreiberfirma #Meta ermögliche.
So, beim Spaziergang nebenbei noch ein wenig Geo-Tracking für Openstreetmap (via StreetComplete App) durchgeführt.
#geotracking #openstreetmap #osm
Jo pateixo pels administradors de sistemes del @waze@twitter.com, @googlemaps@twitter.com i altres #geotracking el #21D. Fliparan. L'entrenament de xarxes neuronals a cagar a la via.