JazzZeitung.de — Das Internationale Jazz-Weekend in Unterföhring mit Staraufgebot – Das diesjährige Internationale Jazz-Weekend in Unterföhring wartete, wie bereits in der vergangenen Jahren, mit einem starken
#Bericht #AustrianSyndicate #BillFrisell #ClaudioSpieler #DavidHelbock #GeraldClayton #GregTardy #HerbertPirker #JonathanBlake #LizzWright #PeterMadsen #RaphaelPreuschl
#bericht #austriansyndicate #billfrisell #claudiospieler #davidhelbock #geraldclayton #gregtardy #herbertpirker #jonathanblake #lizzwright #petermadsen #raphaelpreuschl
Friday #musictherapy by #SamaraJoy ft. #GeraldClayton
#musicyoushouldhear #musictherapy #samarajoy #geraldclayton
My daughter's Xmas vacation animation work, after Gerald Clayton + John Clayton + Justin Brown + MARO's version of Federico Mompou's beautiful theme "Damunt de tu Només les Flors". Enjoy! https://youtu.be/b_iAFQJnZeY #animation #jazz #music #mompou #geraldclayton #MARO
#animation #jazz #music #mompou #geraldclayton #maro
Thursday #musictherapy by #GeraldClayton and #MARO
#musicyoushouldhear #musictherapy #geraldclayton #maro
Spending the day listening to a mix of 2022 releases, both favorites and stuff I haven't gotten to yet.
First up was the terrific #BellsOnSand release from pianist #GeraldClayton. Easily one of my favorite records of the year with Clayton sharing takes on Mompou, the standard "My Ideal," and terrific new compositions. Very thoughtful, purposeful, reflective. (Clayton had a great year, playing on some of my other favorite jazz-ish releases including "Four" from #BillFrisell and one of the trio records from #CharlesLloyd, "Ocean."
#NowPlaying this year's release from #DamienJurado, #ReggaeFilmStar. Like Clayton's lp, Jurado is often mining a sort of lush but quiet minimalism on this one (some nice string arrangements). There's a story/concept running through that I haven't quite unraveled yet. Jurado's lyrics shine bright as always:
The secret life of photographers
Do they pray sitting silently?
Sunday morning comes
What do they believe?
#bellsonsand #geraldclayton #billfrisell #charleslloyd #nowplaying #damienjurado #reggaefilmstar