50 years ago:
The Last American Hero (US)
A young hell raiser quits his moonshine business and tries to become the best NASCAR racer the south has ever seen. Loosely based on the true story of NASCAR driver Junior Johnson.
#TheLastAmericanHero #LamontJohnson #JeffBridges #ValeriePerrine #GeraldineFitzgerald #20thCenturyFox #Film
#thelastamericanhero #lamontjohnson #jeffbridges #valerieperrine #geraldinefitzgerald #20thcenturyfox #film
83 years ago:
'Til We Meet Again (US)
Dying Joan Ames meets criminal Dan Hardesty on a luxury liner as he is being transported back to America by policeman Steve Burke to face execution. Joan and Dan fall in love, their fates unbeknownst to one another.
#TilWeMeetAgain #MerleOberon #PatOBrien #GeraldineFitzgerald #ClassicFilm
#tilwemeetagain #merleoberon #patobrien #geraldinefitzgerald #classicfilm
58 years ago:
The Pawnbroker (US)
A Jewish pawnbroker, a victim of Nazi persecution, loses all faith in his fellow man until he realizes too late the tragedy of his actions.
#ThePawnbroker #SidneyLumet #RodSteiger #GeraldineFitzgerald #BrockPeters #AmericanInternationalPictures #AIP #Movies
#thepawnbroker #sidneylumet #rodsteiger #geraldinefitzgerald #brockpeters #americaninternationalpictures #aip #movies
84 years ago:
Dark Victory (US)
Socialite Judith Traherne lives a lavish but emotionally empty life. Riding horses is one of her few joys, and her stable master is secretly in love with her. Told she has a brain tumor by her doctor, Frederick Steele, Judith becomes distraught. After she decides to have surgery to remove the tumor,...
#DarkVictory #BetteDavis #HumphreyBogart #GeraldineFitzgerald #Movies
#darkvictory #bettedavis #humphreybogart #geraldinefitzgerald #movies
72 years ago:
The Late Edwina Black (UK)
When a sickly Victorian woman dies suddenly, a postmortem reveals that her body contains a fatal dose of arsenic. Suspicion falls on her husband and her companion, who are lovers. Inspector Martin of Scotland Yard solves the mystery of her death... over a cup of tea.
#TheLateEdwinaBlack #GeraldineFitzgerald #RolandCulver #ClassicMovies
#thelateedwinablack #geraldinefitzgerald #rolandculver #classicmovies
One of my faves, Geraldine Fitzgerald, born today in County Wicklow, Ireland in 1913. #GeraldineFitzgerald #Ireland