So geht das, Netflix: Der Witcher als Comic
Geralt von Rivas Comicabenteuer führt ihn in einen dunklen Wald und dort in eine mysteriöse Villa. Hier trifft er nicht nur auf einen Succubus und einen Keller voller Leichen, sondern auch auf Etwas altem, bösem.
Nachdem der Witcher in Romanen, im Film in PC-Spielen und in Serien unterwegs war, kommt er nun auch als Comicfigur.
#witcher #geralt #comic #graphicnovel #comics #geraltvonriva #polen #netflix
#witcher #geralt #comic #graphicnovel #comics #geraltvonriva #polen #netflix
Finished S3 part 1 of #TheWitcher and Henry Cavil did an amazing job portraying #Geralt.
I am not gonna watch S4 as he’s leaving and Netflix has to do their very best to reel me in.
Also, I didn’t like the fact #Djikstra was portrayed to be “weak” for Phillipa (somebody has to pay scene)
#Jaskier became commercial this season. He says Geralt and co are his family but if Geralt dies, he said he will “milk it for 3 songs and an epic poem”. I hated that part.
#thewitcher #geralt #djikstra #jaskier
Kotaku: Witcher Director Praises Henry Cavill, Says Show ‘Demanding’ To Make #gaming #tech #kotaku #entertainmentculture #hemsworthcavill #draftthewitcher #liamhemsworth #geraltofrivia #anyachalotra #henrycavill #thewitcher #joeybatey #marcjobst #yennefer #witcher #netflix #jaskier #cavill #geralt
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #entertainmentculture #hemsworthcavill #draftthewitcher #liamhemsworth #geraltofrivia #anyachalotra #henrycavill #thewitcher #joeybatey #marcjobst #yennefer #witcher #netflix #Jaskier #cavill #geralt
Gizmodo: The Witcher Season 3's Big Fight Was Meant to Make Up for a Season 1 'Plot Hole' #thetoweroftheswallow #andrzejsapkowski #theladyofthelake #geraltofrivia #liamhemsworth #henrycavill #thewitcher #soddenhill #vilgefortz #witcher #netflix #geralt #cahir
#thetoweroftheswallow #andrzejsapkowski #theladyofthelake #geraltofrivia #liamhemsworth #henrycavill #thewitcher #soddenhill #vilgefortz #witcher #netflix #geralt #cahir
Kotaku: Witcher Producer Says Writers Do Respect The Books, Misspells Character's Name #gaming #tech #kotaku #entertainmentculture #javiergrillomarxuach #witcherseasonthree #andrzejsapkowski #draftthewitcher #alyssamercante #geraltofrivia #liamhemsworth #henrycavill #blamesyoung #thewitcher #dijkstra #marxuach #witcher #dykstra #netflix #geralt #grillo
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #entertainmentculture #javiergrillomarxuach #witcherseasonthree #andrzejsapkowski #draftthewitcher #alyssamercante #geraltofrivia #liamhemsworth #henrycavill #blamesyoung #thewitcher #dijkstra #marxuach #witcher #dykstra #netflix #geralt #grillo
Kotaku: The Witcher Season 3 Is Over—Now What? #gaming #tech #kotaku #entertainmentculture #francescafindabair #andrzejsapkowski #draftthewitcher #liamhemsworth #geraltofrivia #cdprojektred #henrycavill #thewitcher #cdprojekt #netflix #geralt #emhyr #rivia #ciri
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #entertainmentculture #francescafindabair #andrzejsapkowski #draftthewitcher #liamhemsworth #geraltofrivia #cdprojektred #henrycavill #thewitcher #cdprojekt #netflix #geralt #emhyr #rivia #ciri
Kotaku: 8 Games To Play After Final Fantasy XVI #gaming #tech #kotaku #tabletoproleplayinggamesinjapan #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #roleplayingvideogames #cliverosfield #finalfantasy #windowsgames #devilmaycry5 #thewitcher3 #devilmaycry #ryotasuzuki #thewitcher #zerodawn #nintendo #fantasy #shepard #remake #geralt #xeno #saga #ps3 #ps2 #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #tabletoproleplayinggamesinjapan #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #roleplayingvideogames #cliverosfield #finalfantasy #windowsgames #devilmaycry5 #thewitcher3 #devilmaycry #ryotasuzuki #thewitcher #zerodawn #nintendo #fantasy #shepard #remake #geralt #xeno #saga #ps3 #ps2 #rpg
Kotaku: Latest Witcher 3 Patch Gives Switch Some Love, Improves Combat #gaming #tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #singleplayervideogames #roleplayingvideogames #thewitcher3wildhunt #nintendoswitch #liamhemsworth #geraltofrivia #cdprojektred #windowsgames #thewitcher3 #henrycavill #thewitcher #cdprojekt #nintendo #netflix #geralt
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #singleplayervideogames #roleplayingvideogames #thewitcher3wildhunt #nintendoswitch #liamhemsworth #geraltofrivia #cdprojektred #windowsgames #thewitcher3 #henrycavill #thewitcher #cdprojekt #nintendo #netflix #geralt
I couldn't get myself to play The Witcher 3 for years. Game mechanics about potions have always filled me with distrust and a bucketload of boredom. Still, I forced myself to at least play it through the introductory quests as far as the city of Vizima, sword-slashing my way along like a barabarian with a cunning smile on his face. And now I'm hooked on the story 😃 It feels so right, even though nothing of great importance has actually happened yet.
#thewitcher3 #thewitcher #geralt #gaming
Gizmodo: The Witcher Can't Promise to Come Back From This Fight #draftthewitcher #geraltofrivia #liamhemsworth #anyachalotra #henrycavill #thewitcher #freyaallan #maheshjadu #joeybatey #netflix #cirilla #cavill #geralt #cintra
#draftthewitcher #geraltofrivia #liamhemsworth #anyachalotra #henrycavill #thewitcher #freyaallan #maheshjadu #joeybatey #netflix #cirilla #cavill #geralt #cintra
Kotaku: The 17 Best Games For The Xbox Series X And S #gaming #tech #kotaku #halothemasterchiefcollection #xboxseriesxandseriess #homevideogameconsoles #starwarsvideogames #alexeypajitnov #grandtheftauto #skywalkersaga #studioghibli #invideogames #cdprojektred #thewitcher3 #xboxnetwork #adamjensen #chrispratt #nintendo #katediaz #alexchen #gabediaz #gamestop #walmart #ubisoft #xboxone #bestbuy #geralt #xbox #lego #ring #hey
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #halothemasterchiefcollection #xboxseriesxandseriess #homevideogameconsoles #starwarsvideogames #alexeypajitnov #grandtheftauto #skywalkersaga #studioghibli #invideogames #cdprojektred #thewitcher3 #xboxnetwork #adamjensen #chrispratt #nintendo #katediaz #alexchen #gabediaz #gamestop #walmart #ubisoft #xboxone #BestBuy #geralt #xbox #LEGO #ring #hey
Ich lese gerade mal wieder die #Geralt Saga.
Man muss mit dem Schreibstil des Autors klarkommen, eindeutig. Aber wenn man mal drin ist, entfaltet sich eine sehr schöne #Fantasy welt. #lesen #thewitcher #hexer #geraltofrivia
#geralt #fantasy #lesen #thewitcher #hexer #geraltofrivia
Every new episode released brings forward #henrycavill last portrayal of #geralt. #witcher #bittersweet
#henrycavill #geralt #witcher #bittersweet
Kotaku: The Ladies Of The Witcher Are Storming Fortnite #gaming #tech #kotaku #continuousindividualizedriskindex #thetoweroftheswallow #creativeworks #geraltofrivia #bloodofelves #thewitcher3 #thewitcher #battlepass #videogames #epicgames #fortnite #thehexer #yennefer #zireael #fiction #geralt #ciri
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #continuousindividualizedriskindex #thetoweroftheswallow #creativeworks #geraltofrivia #bloodofelves #thewitcher3 #thewitcher #battlepass #videogames #epicgames #fortnite #thehexer #yennefer #zireael #fiction #geralt #ciri
Kotaku: Your First Look At Henry Cavill's Last Season As Netflix's Witcher #gaming #tech #kotaku #theladyofthelake #timeofcontempt #creativeworks #geraltofrivia #liamhemsworth #henrycavill #thewitcher #literature #warnerbros #yennefer #thehexer #netflix #witcher #fiction #geralt #emhyr #ciri
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #theladyofthelake #timeofcontempt #creativeworks #geraltofrivia #liamhemsworth #henrycavill #thewitcher #literature #warnerbros #yennefer #thehexer #netflix #witcher #fiction #geralt #emhyr #ciri
Kotaku: Witcher Voice Actor Gets Outpouring Of Fan Support After Cancer Diagnosis #gaming #tech #kotaku #thewitcher23aassassinsofkings #health2cmedical2cpharma #entertainment2cculture #book3athewitcher #prostatecancer #creativeworks #humaninterest #geraltofrivia #cdprojektred #videogaming #soulcalibur #thewitcher #videogames #dougcockle #cdprojekt #thehexer #geralt
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #thewitcher23aassassinsofkings #health2cmedical2cpharma #entertainment2cculture #book3athewitcher #ProstateCancer #creativeworks #humaninterest #geraltofrivia #cdprojektred #videogaming #soulcalibur #thewitcher #videogames #dougcockle #cdprojekt #thehexer #geralt
Kotaku: The Witcher 3 Is Now One Of The Best-Selling Games Ever #gaming #tech #kotaku #technology2cinternet #reddeadredemptionii #bandainamcogames #videogamesequels #thelegendofzelda #creativeworks #geraltofrivia #windowsgames #henrycavill #videogaming #thewitcher #videogames #atarigames #cdprojekt #diabloiii #mariokart #witcher #geralt #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #technology2cinternet #reddeadredemptionii #bandainamcogames #videogamesequels #thelegendofzelda #creativeworks #geraltofrivia #windowsgames #henrycavill #videogaming #thewitcher #videogames #atarigames #cdprojekt #diabloiii #mariokart #witcher #geralt #rpg
Juri and Jinx share Geralt's dick
the girls gives a nice welcome to Geralt
supportme at: or
All characters are depicted 18 years of age or older.
#jinx #juri_han #leagueoflegends #streetfighter #thewitcher #geralt #porn #nsfw #porn #3d
#jinx #Juri_Han #leagueoflegends #streetfighter #thewitcher #geralt #porn #nsfw #3d