Kotaku: Duolingo Is An App For Language-Learning, So Why Is It Plagued With Cheaters? https://kotaku.com/duolingo-app-cheats-hacks-leagues-xp-why-duohacker-1850506482 #gaming #tech #kotaku #computerassistedlanguagelearning #languagelearningsoftware #educationinpittsburgh #operatingsystems #crowdsourcing #worldwideweb #gamification #hackerone #instagram #duohacker #duolingo #software #gerard #gaming #julian #lolo #duo #xp
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #computerassistedlanguagelearning #languagelearningsoftware #educationinpittsburgh #operatingsystems #crowdsourcing #worldwideweb #gamification #hackerone #Instagram #duohacker #duolingo #software #gerard #julian #lolo #duo #xp
Accusations bidons ou ventre tripotant ?
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #mème #gérard #depardieu #miseenxamen #agressions #ventre
Abonnez-vous !
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #meme #gerard #depardieu #miseenxamen #agressions #ventre
Website: https://seaislenews.com/gerard-zappa-concert-attendance-post-covid/
Gerard Zappa of Wooster is a professional musician and recording artist. Gerard Zappa currently plays bass guitar and lends vocals for the Steve Augeri band. Additionally, Gerard Zappa writes for several online publications on the subjects of rock history and the state of live music performance. Check out the Gerard Zappa Wooster blog for more.
#Music Industry #Gerard Zappa Wooster
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gerard.zappa.9/
Website: https://www.downbeach.com/2022/11/08/gerard-zappa-of-wooster-and-the-ghostwriters-of-rock/
Gerard Zappa of Wooster is a professional musician and recording artist. Gerard Zappa currently plays bass guitar and lends vocals for the Steve Augeri band. Additionally, Gerard Zappa writes for several online publications on the subjects of rock history and the state of live music performance. Check out the Gerard Zappa Wooster blog for more.
#Music Industry #Gerard Zappa Wooster
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gerard.zappa.9/
Website: https://www.downbeach.com/2022/11/08/gerard-zappa-of-wooster-and-the-ghostwriters-of-rock/
Gerard Zappa of Wooster is a professional musician and recording artist. Gerard Zappa currently plays bass guitar and lends vocals for the Steve Augeri band. Additionally, Gerard Zappa writes for several online publications on the subjects of rock history and the state of live music performance. Check out the Gerard Zappa Wooster blog for more.
#Music Industry #Gerard Zappa Wooster
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gerard.zappa.9/
Website: https://ocnjdaily.com/gerard-zappa-wooster-get-started-session-musician/
Gerard Zappa of Wooster is a professional musician and recording artist. Gerard Zappa currently plays bass guitar and lends vocals for the Steve Augeri band. Additionally, Gerard Zappa writes for several online publications on the subjects of rock history and the state of live music performance. Check out the Gerard Zappa Wooster blog for more.
#Music Industry #Gerard Zappa Wooster
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gerard.zappa.9/
#French actor #Gérard #Depardieu in an interview to a #German media #AugsburgerAllgemeine said he still felt like a #Russian person. He says that since 2013 (when he received Russian #citizenship) his attitude towards Russia hasn't changed.
No comments.
#corruption #RussiaIsATerroristState #russianwarofagression #citizenship #russian #AugsburgerAllgemeine #german #depardieu #gerard #french
RT @ZoomDesMedias@twitter.com
L'édifice de #FortBoyard submergé par la #tempête #Gérard https://tvmag.lefigaro.fr/programme-tv/actu-tele/l-edifice-de-fort-boyard-submerge-par-la-tempete-gerard-20230118
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ZoomDesMedias/status/1615678466552201216
dimarts 17 gener: ahir matinet, amb trompes i pifres, rebérem a casa els vents primerencs d'en #Fien #Gerard #Rebalsadors #Serra #PNSerraCalderona #CampDeTúria #València #Montgó #Benicadell #Montcabrer #metroValència #FGV
804 msnm. un ponent rabiós i gelat i el cel... lo cel a vessar de balenes ...🐳🌈
#fien #gerard #rebalsadors #serra #PNSerraCalderona #campdeturia #valencia #montgo #Benicadell #montcabrer #metrovalencia #fgv
@ecotejados Si seguimos las flechas: primero fue #fien y ahora es #gerard y la próxima #hannelore
Les ravages à notre biotope continuent : de minuscules pellets de plastique (micro-billes destinées à l'industrie de l'injection plastique) jonchent les plages de Pornic et des Sables d'Olonne, après le passage de la tempête #Gerard https://www.lefigaro.fr/nantes/c-est-quoi-ces-larmes-de-sirene-qui-polluent-une-partie-du-littoral-atlantique-20230116
(les appeler larmes de sirènes franchement, encore une façon de nous dédouaner ?)
Está caendo unha chupa de auga na Coruña de muito nabo. Acaba de sona-la chuvia a ráfagas contra a fiestra, e dinme conta de que nunca a sentira neste piso. Benditas Cortizo.
Non sei se é #gerard ou #Fien pero se dalgo sabemos nesta cidade é de chuvia con vento.
E cando fun ver que pasaba, varios veciños tamén na ventá, un río pola rúa e unha cortina de agua caendo de lado que case non vía o edificio de enfronte 😳
Y allí está. A ver si para la lluvia un poco.
#cantabria #ampuero #ASon #gerard #meteorologia
@gruik On a faux tous les deux elle s'appelle #Gérard ! Et sa copine #Fien arrive ! https://www.ouest-france.fr/meteo/tempete/la-tempete-fien-succede-a-gerard-des-mardi-quelles-sont-les-previsions-meteo-des-prochains-jours-306d6d60-95a1-11ed-9400-7aba786c7303 :blobPikaShock:
Le gendarme s’est pris une sacrée bourrasque !
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #mème #tempête #gérard #depardieu #dégâts #vent
Abonnez-vous !
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #meme #tempete #gerard #depardieu #degats #Vent
RT @meteofrance@twitter.com
🌬️🌧️ La tempête #Gérard traverse le nord du pays ce lundi. Elle sera suivie par #Fien demain mardi.
👉Le point complet ici : https://meteofrance.com/actualites-et-dossiers/actualites/tempetes-gerard-et-fien-vents-violents-pluies-abondantes-et
📸 Composition colorée - METEOSAT-11
16/01 - 13h30 UTC
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/meteofrance/status/1614987297371443203
Nunca voy a entender la gestión de los fenómenos meteorológicos adversos en España. El río de la zona—casi seguro—saldrá de su cauce en al menos algunos puntos hoy. Hace nada, probaron un sistema de SMS de emergencia. ¿Creen uds. que hemos recibido algún mensaje de aviso hoy?
Cuanto más tiempo se da a la población para preparar, mejor.
A las 13:15, el Asón estaba a 0.075 m de estar en estado de prealerta en Ramales.
#meteorología #España #FMA #FMAEspaña #Gerard #borrasca #Cantabria
#meteorologia #espana #fma #fmaespana #gerard #borrasca #cantabria
Tempête #Gérard !! Suite et bientôt fin (ou fien)....
La tempête continue de fournir des vents violents :
150km/h à Belle-Ile (56)
141km/h à Vigie du Homet (50)
125km/h à Saint-Nazaire (44)
Trois records tout de même...
On surveillera par la suite la possibilité d'un deuxième creusement avec Fien.