Pisse Repetita !
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #mème #gérarddepardieu #urine #ajaccio #aéroport #voiture
Abonnez-vous !
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #meme #gerarddepardieu #urine #ajaccio #aeroport #voiture
@ntv In dem Film “Tenue de Soiree” (1986, dt.: Der Abendanzug) spielt #GerardDepardieu offenbar sich selbst - in Perfektion.
Étamine le montre bien, Gérard !
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #mème #alerte #pollens #graminées #abeilles #gérarddepardieu
Abonnez-vous !
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #meme #alerte #pollens #graminees #abeilles #gerarddepardieu
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Johnny Depp, Alleged Abuser, Gets 7-Minute Standing Ovation at Cannes: 'I Don't Feel Boycotted' https://jezebel.com/johnny-depp-gets-7-minute-standing-ovation-at-cannes-1850445052 #Jezebel #entertainment2cculture #thevenicefilmfestival #thecannesfilmfestival #englishlanguagefilms #cannesfilmfestival #gerarddepardieu #harveyweinstein #thierryfremaux #romanpolanski #jeannedubarry #humaninterest #johnnydepp #amberheard #woodyallen #lucbesson #cannes
#jezebel #entertainment2cculture #thevenicefilmfestival #thecannesfilmfestival #englishlanguagefilms #cannesfilmfestival #gerarddepardieu #HarveyWeinstein #thierryfremaux #romanpolanski #jeannedubarry #humaninterest #johnnydepp #amberheard #woodyallen #lucbesson #cannes
47 years ago:
The Last Woman (FR,IT)
Original title: La Dernière Femme
Gerard and his 9-month-old son have been left by his wife for feminist reasons. The custody of his son is being threatened by his next romance.
#TheLastWoman #MarcoFerreri #GérardDepardieu #OrnellaMuti #MichelPiccoli #Movies
#thelastwoman #marcoferreri #gerarddepardieu #ornellamuti #michelpiccoli #movies
33 years ago:
Cyrano de Bergerac (FR)
Famed swordsman and poet Cyrano de Bergerac is in love with his cousin Roxane. He has never expressed his love for her as he his large nose undermines his self-confidence. Then he finds a way to express his love to her, indirectly.
#CyranodeBergerac #GérardDepardieu #VincentPerez #PhilippeMorierGenoud #NoëlleBoisson #Film
#cyranodebergerac #gerarddepardieu #vincentperez #philippemoriergenoud #noelleboisson #film
49 years ago:
Going Places (FR)
Original title: Les Valseuses
Two whimsical, aimless thugs harass and assault women, steal, murder, and alternately charm, fight, or sprint their way out of trouble. They take whatever the bourgeoisie holds dear, whether it’s cars, peace of mind, or daughters. Marie-Ange, a jaded, passive hairdresser, joins them as lover, cook, ...
#GoingPlaces #BertrandBlier #GérardDepardieu #MiouMiou #PatrickDewaere #ClassicFilm
#goingplaces #BertrandBlier #gerarddepardieu #mioumiou #patrickdewaere #classicfilm
Georges Simenons Krimi "Maigret und die junge Tote" kommt in die Kinos https://www.lesering.de/id/4909918/Georges-Simenons-Krimi-Maigret-und-die-junge-Tote-kommt-in-die-Kinos/ #MaigretunddiejungeTote #Literaturverfilmung #Literaturverfilmung #GérardDepardieu #PatriceLeconte #GeorgesSimenon #Kino
#kino #GeorgesSimenon #patriceleconte #gerarddepardieu #literaturverfilmung #maigretunddiejungetote
45 years ago:
Bye Bye Monkey (FR,IT)
Original title: Ciao maschio
In metahistorical New York city electrotechnician Lafayette deals with a megalomaniac director of a wax museum of ancient Rome, an italian lonely anarchist, a group of feminist actresses - including Angelica who falls in love with him - and a small adopted chimpanzee.
#ByeByeMonkey #MarcoFerreri #GérardDepardieu #MarcelloMastroianni #AbigailClayton #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies
#byebyemonkey #marcoferreri #gerarddepardieu #marcellomastroianni #abigailclayton #classicfilm #classicmovies
Focus #AstérixEtObélix 5/6
Astérix et Obélix : Au service de Sa Majesté (2012)
Un esthétisme d’une rare laideur (…) jamais drôle, c’est pathétique et parfois gênant.
✍️ https://www.senscritique.com/film/asterix_obelix_au_service_de_sa_majeste/critique/16364118
#AstérixEtObélixAuServiceDeSaMajesté #GérardDepardieu #EdouardBaer #GuillaumeGallienne #ValérieLemercier #FabriceLuchini #CatherineDeneuve #Film #Cinema
#asterixetobelix #asterixetobelixauservicedesamajeste #gerarddepardieu #edouardbaer #guillaumegallienne #valerielemercier #fabriceluchini #catherinedeneuve #film #cinema
Focus #AstérixEtObélix 4/6
Astérix aux Jeux olympiques (2008)
Un blockbuster catastrophique, "m'as-tu-vu" et qui pète plus haut que son cul.
✍️ https://www.senscritique.com/film/asterix_aux_jeux_olympiques/critique/217545254
#AstérixAuxJeuxOlympiques #ThomasLangmann #FrédéricForestier #GérardDepardieu #ClovisCornillac #AlainDelon #BenoîtPoelvoorde #VanessaHessler #Film #Cinema
#asterixetobelix #asterixauxjeuxolympiques #thomaslangmann #fredericforestier #gerarddepardieu #ClovisCornillac #AlainDelon #benoitpoelvoorde #vanessahessler #film #cinema
Focus #AstérixEtObélix 3/6
Astérix & Obélix : Mission Cléopâtre - Le Comankonafé (2002)
Les coulisses d’un tournage hors norme, une véritable mine d’or, riche en enseignement.
✍️ https://www.senscritique.com/film/asterix_obelix_mission_cleopatre_le_comankonafe/critique/284397954
#AsterixEtObelixMissionCléopatre #LeComankonafé #MakingOf #SecretsDeTournage #BehindTheScene #Tournage #AlainChabat #ChristianClavier #GérardDepardieu #Film #Cinema
#asterixetobelix #asterixetobelixmissioncleopatre #lecomankonafe #makingof #secretsdetournage #behindthescene #tournage #alainchabat #christianclavier #gerarddepardieu #film #cinema
Focus #AstérixEtObélix 2/6
Astérix et Obélix : Mission Cléopâtre (2002)
Conserver le matériau d’origine, le respecter tout en lui insufflant une touche de modernité qui lui sied à merveille.
✍️ https://www.senscritique.com/film/asterix_obelix_mission_cleopatre/critique/18216216
#AlainChabat #ChristianClavier #GérardDepardieu #JamelDebbouze #MonicaBellucci #GérardDarmon #EdouardBaer #MarinaFoïs #Film #Cinema
#asterixetobelix #alainchabat #christianclavier #gerarddepardieu #jameldebbouze #monicabellucci #gerarddarmon #edouardbaer #marinafois #film #cinema
Focus #AstérixEtObélix 1/6
Astérix et Obélix contre César (1999)
Une première adaptation "live" à la réalisation peu inspirée et qui pâti d’un scénario bordélique.
✍️ https://www.senscritique.com/film/asterix_obelix_contre_cesar/critique/220067801
#AstérixEtObélixContreCésar #ClaudeZidi #ChristianClavier #GérardDepardieu #MichelGalabru #RobertoBenigni #ClaudePiéplu #DanielPrévost #Film #Cinema
#asterixetobelix #asterixetobelixcontrecesar #claudezidi #christianclavier #gerarddepardieu #michelgalabru #robertobenigni #claudepieplu #danielprevost #film #cinema
Resnais counters philosopher Laborit's deterministic view with poignant montage sequences, constant cutting back to childhood memories & old movie clips. Are we all prisoners of our biological origins? Can our good memories trump our childhood traumas? Are we capable of leaping over our biological makeup of self preservation & think of others? Beautifully constructed, playful and thoroughly thought provoking Mon oncle d’Amerique is a true masterpiece. #alainresnais #gerarddepardieu #nicolegarcia
#alainresnais #gerarddepardieu #nicolegarcia
I love Blier's absurdist, deadpan comedies. It might seem one non-sequitur after another but Buffet Froid abides by its own logic and nothing else. More murders, more dames, more absurd situations ensue. Carol Bouquet shows up late as a vengeful beauty. #bertrandblier #gerarddepardieu #carolbouquet #comedy #frenchcinema
#bertrandblier #gerarddepardieu #carolbouquet #comedy #frenchcinema
Nelly is a married woman. She meets a low-life scoundrel Loulou at a disco. She knows he's bad but can’t help it. She shacks up w/him. Things are not so cut & dry, since she still works for her husband & he still has feelings for her. But yes, sex is good & yes it’s thrilling to help out w/his illegal activities. #MauricePialat ‘s long takes capture their lively relationship. Brimming with life, #Loulou features the cutest couple in film history. #isabellehuppert #gerarddepardieu #frenchcinema
#mauricepialat #loulou #isabellehuppert #gerarddepardieu #frenchcinema
Godard suggests that there are limits to the image/film portraying the truth (and faith in god). He ties the idea of faithlessness in the modern world with the limits of the imagery. Then there is light/darkness dichotomy. The body gets easily overshadowed by darkness, but our spirit? "The night is for everyone, therefore more democratic," one character says in the beginning of the film. Contemplative, invigorating, enthralling. #hellaspourmoi #godard #gerarddepardieu #80sfilms
#hellaspourmoi #Godard #gerarddepardieu #80sfilms
On continue d’étoffer la collection du cinéma des #années70 avec notre cher #BertrandBlier. Après Les valseuses, Préparez vos mouchoirs, renforcé par un Oscar, le cinéaste, en toute liberté, proposait un petit chef-d’œuvre du #cinéma à l'humour noir et absurde, Buffet froid, avec un casting de rêve où l'on retrouve au sommet de leur forme : Bernard Blier (le père donc), #GérardDepardieu, #JeanCarmet, #MichelSerrault, #CaroleBouquet et une troupe merveilleuse…
#annees70 #bertrandblier #cinema #gerarddepardieu #jeancarmet #michelserrault #CaroleBouquet