RT @UnaMakris@twitter.com
Please take our survey and share widely with your rheumatology colleagues! #gerirheum @KWyshamMD@twitter.com @JihaRheum@twitter.com @MyasoedovaElena@twitter.com @SattuiSEMD@twitter.com @NamrataRheum@twitter.com @MisraDevyani@twitter.com @B_Buehring_MD@twitter.com @UTSWRheum@twitter.com @KDAO2011@twitter.com @RheumNow@twitter.com @jeffsparks@twitter.com @KelliAllenPhD@twitter.com @minnakohlermd@twitter.com @IreneBlancoMD@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/UnaMakris/status/1612618065451032576
RT @UnaMakris@twitter.com
CALLING ALL HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS who care for older patients with #rheumatologic disease! Please take 5 minutes to fill out our survey about the care of older adults with #rheum disease.
We appreciate your input! #RheumTwitter #gerirheum #aging #ageism
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/UnaMakris/status/1612615568888037377
#rheumatologic #Rheum #RheumTwitter #gerirheum #aging #ageism
RT @UnaMakris@twitter.com
CALLING ALL HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS who care for older patients with #rheumatologic disease! Please take 5 minutes to fill out our survey about the care of older adults with #rheum disease.
We appreciate your input! #RheumTwitter #gerirheum #aging #ageism
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/UnaMakris/status/1612615568888037377
#rheumatologic #Rheum #RheumTwitter #gerirheum #aging #ageism
The term “senile osteoporosis” from ICD10 should go into the word cemetery. It’s offensive to my older patients. Use instead “age-related osteoporosis”. It is still M81.0. #GeriRheum @UnaMakris@twitter.com @RheumNow@twitter.com
Just a thought: we get higher RVUs if the disease flares and we have to escalate therapies- why don’t we get similar credit for pts doing well where we can de-escalate treatment? #Deprescribe #gerirheum #polypharmacy @UnaMakris@twitter.com #RewardBetterCare
#deprescribe #gerirheum #Polypharmacy #rewardbettercare
I followed @MaxKonigMD and am curious how #mastodon will develop. #Rheumastodon #Rheumatology #GeriRheum
#mastodon #Rheumastodon #rheumatology #gerirheum