#WordWeavers 9/11: What would you do if you met your antagonist?
Andert: "Well, I'll steel myself and greet him as is custom, with a bow of my head."
"I have practice, I see him almost every evening."
*grits teeth*
"Maybe it is a good thing he tends to ignore me. I'm just glad Goswin is allowed to sit with me, or I'd simply go mad."
Der Ritter von Lar Elien Buch 1
#germanbook #epicfantasy #writingcommunity #wordweavers
#PennedPossibilities 68 — MC POV: What is the best pick-up line you know?
Andert: "A what?"
*ME explains*
"Oh. Oh. I... have no idea. I've never... I mean, there was... but she..."
*blushes fiercely*
"She... married someone else."
*walks away*
Der Ritter von Lar Elien Buch 1
#germanbook #epicfantasy #writingcommunity #pennedpossibilities
#PennedPossibilities 67 — Write about a recent decision that your MC has made.
Andert decided to become his weaponsmaster's friend, after digging a big, tragic secret out of him.
Best decision of his life. Even if it earns him a lot of bruises.
Der Ritter von Lar Elien Buch 1
#germanbook #epicfantasy #writingcommunity #pennedpossibilities
#WordWeavers 9/9 — MC POV: What do you hate the most about the author?
Andert: "She kept my story hidden for twenty years. I mean why?
"Does she hate me so much? Did my father persuade her? I really would like to understand that. It doesn't make any sense to me. I felt... abandoned.
"Although I'm grateful she finally found some backbone and got it published."
Der Ritter von Lar Elien Buch 1
#germanbook #epicfantasy #writingcommunity #wordweavers
#PennedPossibilities 66 — Describe in detail one item that your MC would want to inherit from a relative or has inherited.
There is one item in the story that has Andert interested - but he has no illusions about ever owning it.
You see, Goswin has forged a magical sword. It's black, with silver wire inlaid in the hand guard. But it's lost, after he and his mage friend were ambushed, on the way to deliver it....
Der Ritter von Lar Elien Buch 1
#germanbook #epicfantasy #writingcommunity #pennedpossibilities
#PennedPossibilities 65 — MC POV: Write about a time you broke something.
Andert: "I don't break things. I'm careful with them." *glares*
""Oh. You meant bones. Well, I had some of my bones broken that one time when... I got trapped and beaten up by three former guards.
"That wasn't fun at all. But it taught me that I can survive a lot if I just focus on staying alive."
Der Ritter von Lar Elien Buch 1
#germanbook #epicfantasy #writingcommunity #pennedpossibilities
#PennedPossibilities 64 — Break up your MC's life (thus far) into 3 chapters and give each of them a title.
1) The Unwanted
Andert is a burden, but at least he's taken care of.
2) The Apprentice
Andert finds his first friends and begins training as a warrior. A brutal test of his mettle happens.
3) The Knight
As a new knight, Andert is sent on his first quest by his father - a suicide mission. Can he survive?
Der Ritter von Lar Elien Buch 1
#germanbook #epicfantasy #writingcommunity #pennedpossibilities
#WordWeavers 9/7 — Why did your villain become a villain?
Count Willomar is a good man and not truly a villain. However, he is not handling Andert very well.
You see, he fell hoplessly in love with this beautiful woman a few years after his wife died. When she agreed to become his new wife, he was beyond happy.
She died in childbirth. The child lived - and every time Willomar sees him, his heart breaks anew.
Der Ritter von Lar Elien Buch 1
#germanbook #epicfantasy #writingcommunity #wordweavers
#PennedPossibilities 63 — The most offensive thing your MC has ever heard anyone say?
Andert has been called many things by his brothers and their friends, but he really took offense when he ran into a bunch of warriors in his father's pay beating up another warrior.
They were calling that warrior awful things because he was the son of a prostitute.
Fulchar became one of Andert's best friends after that...
Der Ritter von Lar Elien Buch 1
#germanbook #epicfantasy #writingcommunity #pennedpossibilities
#WordWeavers 9/5. How detailed are you when you describe your characters’ clothes / looks?
Not very, to be honest. Also not good with faces.
Most of my characters do not belong to the upper class. So they don't have a lot of fancy clothes.
Andert usually runs around in leather pants, boots and white shirts. Since he practices a lot, those shirts rarely stay white, which is why he generally wears old ones.
Der Ritter von Lar Elien Buch 1
#germanbook #epicfantasy #writingcommunity #wordweavers
#PennedPossibilities 61 — Write about something your MC frequently forgets.
Andert keeps forgetting that he's the Count's third son.
That's because he would prefer it if he weren't. He avoids pulling rank as much as possible, is a bit of a people-pleaser and loves eating in the kitchen rather than the great hall.
Of course, he cannot change his status (much), but he dreams of being free.
Der Ritter von Lar Elien Buch 1
#germanbook #epicfantasy #writingcommunity #pennedpossibilities
#WordWeavers 9/4. Does your antagonist have a chance to become a better person?
As terrible as Count Willomar behaves at one point in the story, he is not bad at his core. He's just horribly broken inside.
Grief can do terrible things to a person, and he does become aware of it. There is even a short scene where he tries to apologize.
It will take more than one book to overcome his pain, though.
Der Ritter von Lar Elien Buch 1
#germanbook #epicfantasy #writingcommunity #wordweavers
#PennedPossibilities 60 — MC POV: What is more important in a friend: someone who makes you laugh, or someone who is always there for you?
Andert: "Always the one who is always there for me. I didn't have that when I was little. That was hard.
"Goswin and Taril always have my back. Well, with Taril, it often means bruises, too."
"But even they cannot protect me from my father, although they try..."
Der Ritter von Lar Elien Buch 1
#germanbook #epicfantasy #writingcommunity #pennedpossibilities
#PennedPossibilities 59 — What is the best piece of advice that your MC has ever been given?
Andert was taught by his weaponsmaster to count to ten before giving a heated answer when angry.
It has saved his bacon more than once.
But then, Taril becomes both a very good friend and a bit of a father figure for him. And that was even more important than the advice.
Der Ritter von Lar Elien Buch 1
#germanbook #epicfantasy #writingcommunity #pennedpossibilities
#WordWeavers Day 9/2: What could you change about your world to make it better for most people?
Andert lives in a medieval, feudal world.
For the people there, much depends on how fair their ruler is. There are royal knights who roam the kingdom and who are supposed to uphold justice and help people.
Andert desperately wants to become one of them. (As a way to escape his father.)
Der Ritter von Lar Elien Buch 1
#germanbook #epicfantasy #writingcommunity #wordweavers