A: "I'm the driver, I'm the one who hold people the Haare zurück when they are kotzing."
[Girlfriend to boyfriend, explaining her personality type. Both early twenties, 09.09.2023, train from Hildesheim to Braunschweig. Presumably, her L1 German, his L1 English]
#GermanConversationSnippets #codeMixing #EnglishGerman
#englishgerman #codemixing #germanconversationsnippets
Heute wieder so schön: "manchmal" in der Bedeutung "vielleicht":
"Haben Sie manchmal um 11:45 Zeit?" [Kontext: Leipzig, Anruf gegen 9:00 zur Verschiebung eines Termins der eigentlich um 18:45 stattfinden sollte]
Casual reminder that the #English #loanword "nice" looks like it is becoming more and more normalized in #German. From what I observe it is still mostly used by younger speakers, but including early twenties, and not just in simple affirmative predicative usages ("Nice!"), but also with attributive usages in the nominative or accusative case, here two recent examples:
attributive "nice", nominative case: "Ein richtig nicer Job!" [20.5., female speaker, in conversation with male, both twenty-somethings, Leipzig]
attributive "nice", accusative: "Und ich hab nicht son nicen Park in der Nähe, also nicht so wirklich" [28.5., female speaker, in conversation with female, again both twenty-somethings, Leipzig]
#germanconversationsnippets #german #loanword #english
Time for another edition of #GermanConversationSnippets
A: Köthen, da war doch irgendwas mit Köthen. Irgendwas im Musikunterricht. War da nicht irgendwas mit dem, mit dem Bach?
B: Wie kommst Du den jetzt auf Köthen?
A: Na weil es angezeigt wird und sie das gerade angesagt hat!
[April 2023, on the train between Halle and Köthen, school trip (tenth grade), A female B male]
Time for a slightly one-sided edition of #GermanConversationSnippets:
A: Hey Alter --- Pissgesicht!
[Leipzig-Grünau, April 2023, SUV driver to me (on bicycle) after I had slightly misjudged the situation and did indeed come closer to his vehicle than I normally would. I like to think he wanted to say something like: "Hey, be more careful next time, my friend", but failed to find the right words :)]
"Weissu, wenn er was plant, reicht es, einfach Bescheid zu geben .. Wenn ich was plane, ich muß das richtig planen"
[Overheard on a railway overpass in Hildesheim, younger mother on her mobile, smoking a few meters away from her baby carriage]
A: Geil
B: Na eher nicht. Na eher so geil und ungeil gleichzeitig.
[overheard on the train to Leipzig, probably February 2023, two twenty-something yearolds talking about a Fortbildung scheduled for Saturday, 4pm-8pm]
"Das ist ein richtiger Ossi-Bäcker ... sowas von Ossi."
[Leipzig, Feb 2023, female DM salesperson in conversation with customer(s)]
A: Dann war ich krank, dann war sie krank, dann hab ich Corona bekommen nachdem ich krank war.
B: Junge!
[two male German university students in conversation, Düsseldorf, probably November 2022]
A: Und, war dein Weihnachtsmann fleißig?
B: Ne -- nein -- eigentlich überhaupt nicht.
A: Aber es war schön mit der Familie, oder?
B: Ja -- ne -- egal
[overheard in a tram in Leipzig, two women, maybe around 18-25, 04.01.2023]