The start-up service of #FHPotsdam produced a nice image film for our colleague Barbara Avila Vissirini and how she turned her research on visualizing German grammar into a company offering a range of innovative learning materials: (German)
#languagelearning #germangrammar #datavis #dieseskleinebuch #fhpotsdam
Does anyone have any tips on how to identify the definite and indefinite article in #German ? My current technique is to imagine the noun as a masculine or feminine thing (female cat for example, so die Katze) and neuter as a grey thing.
#duolingo #germangrammar
#german #duolingo #germangrammar
My 7yr old daughter keeps correcting my #germangrammar and pronunciation, which is great!
But now she’s “ashamed” that her dad speaks broken german in front of her friends and teachers.
And I totally understand.
My motivation to learn has dramatically changed: before, I was learning to integrate better into German society. Now I do it for the kids, and needs to go faster, more dedicated studying…
#germangrammar #deutschlernen #germanlanguage
#dieseskleinebuch by Barbara Avila Vissirini is hitting bookstores in Berlin.
You can find it at in Brunnenstraße, in Kastanienallee & #Bücherbogen at Savignyplatz.
More information:
#datavis #languagelearning #germangrammar
#germangrammar #languagelearning #datavis #Bücherbogen #dieseskleinebuch