A sampling of the texts that will likely be part of the final reading list in my independent study this fall term: The Prose Edda (Byock translation), The Poetic Edda (Larrington translation), Tacitus' Germania, Myths of the Pagan North (Abram), Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity (Russell), The Nordic Apocalypse (Gunnell and Lassen), and Tracing Old Norse Cosmology (Andrén). #pagan #heathen #mythology #Nordic #Germanic #Scandinavian
#scandinavian #germanic #nordic #mythology #heathen #pagan
I'm thinking about a story/media to explain and antithesize the legacy of Christian missions and colonial culture — from present day, back to the roots of universalist religion missions and place-based religious cultures, and returning to the present *dis-placed* world we live in to explore we go from here. Can you recommend any people who would be good to collaborate on this? Anybody interested in collaborating or thinking through this together? (A big influence was the historical analysis around "God is Red" on The Red Nation podcast with @NickEstes and @NewAmauta: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/therednation/id/22814192, as well as Vine Deloria Jr's "The World We Used to Live In", which led me to that podcast episode)
Posted on Groundtalk: https://groundtalk.land/#2023-07-30T15:35:18.889+00:00
#colonization #decolonize #anticolonial #religion #place #story #storytelling #media #writing #pagan #MoreThanHuman #ontology #localization #culture #history #anthropology #church #Indigenous #Germanic #Slavic #philosophy #cultural #extraction #liberalism #neoliberalism
#colonization #decolonize #anticolonial #religion #place #story #storytelling #media #writing #pagan #moreThanHuman #ontology #localization #culture #history #anthropology #church #indigenous #germanic #slavic #philosophy #cultural #extraction #liberalism #neoliberalism
The book on Germanic syntax was too long for you? Well maybe you try my overview article on Generative approaches to #Germanic languages. A draft is ready. Comments are welcome:
#germanic #linguistics #syntax
#KingCharles Along the great span of #British history how many #monarchs & #aristocrats live in palaces bought by the blood sweat & tears of the real people whose names & sacrifices are forgotten. Why are #britons still paying? Many of the #Crown palaces in #England are used by a #rf who were likely #germanic peasants when those palaces were built. #seizetheirland #seizetheirwealth Return stolen wealth to the #empire & pay reparations. Send #charles to the #TowerOfLondon
#KingCharles #british #monarchs #aristocrats #britons #Crown #england #rf #germanic #seizetheirland #seizetheirwealth #empire #charles #TowerOfLondon
A new start and thus once more an #introduction...
- A Dutch man living in Germany
- #Author of #non-fiction, mainly in a combination of #history, #mythology and #paganism (#Germanic based)
- #Fantasy addicted #reader
- lover of #symphonic, bombastic, #folk, #Pagan #metal music
Motto: A day without #coffee is a waisted day
#introduction #author #non #history #mythology #paganism #germanic #fantasy #reader #symphonic #folk #Pagan #metal #coffee
I love when I get to tell people that English-language days are named after pagan gods.
*the planet was named for the Roman god
#pagan #paganism #etymology #norse #germanic
Is #English your native language, as it is mine? #Polish and #Czech are both #Slavic languages, and I've found Czech way more challenging than the other languages I've dabbled with (#Spanish and #French, both of which are #Romance languages, and seem to have a lot in common with English in terms of their #grammar, #SentenceStructure, and largely #Latin-based lexicons).
Of course, English is primarily a #Germanic language, so the reasons why Romance languages seem easier to me than Slavic languages are probably best explained by someone who knows a lot more about #Linguistics, #LanguageHistory, and #ProtoIndoEuropean.
Calling all #Linguists and #LanguageNerds! 🤓
#english #polish #czech #slavic #spanish #french #romance #grammar #sentencestructure #latin #germanic #linguistics #languagehistory #ProtoIndoEuropean #linguists #languagenerds
Indigenous religious identities of #Europe before #Christianity European #Pagans
#Balkan –#Baltic
#Basque – #Berber and Punic – #Celtic – #Germanic –
#Hellenistic – #Iranian – #Sami –#Semitic – #Slavic – #Uralic –
#europe #christianity #pagans #balkan #baltic #basque #berber #celtic #germanic #hellenistic #iranian #sami #semitic #slavic #uralic
Izwiz atwunskjo frawanâ Frijjos dagam! (I wish you a happy #Friday!)
I figured I'd toss in some Proto-Germanic. Though that's a phrase you'd never have heard in #antiquity. Until Constantine established the 7-day week in 321, most of the #Roman Empire used an 8-day market week inherited from the Etruscans. Even so, #Celtic and #Germanic peoples used periods of 8 or 15 nights (a new day began at sunset); still clear in #Welsh ythnos (week: 8-night), pythefnos, #Irish coicís (fortnight: 15-night)
#friday #antiquity #roman #celtic #germanic #welsh #irish
A poem to the great goddess Frigg, who sees the fate of us all.
Oh Frigg
Foremost among goddesses
Did you know?
Your shining son dreamt
Of baleful dreams,
His light snuffed out.
Oh Frigg
Beloved of Spear Shaker
Did you know?
On Sleipnir, Óðinn rode
To the eastern door
Awakened the Völva.
Oh Frigg
Great Weaver
Did you know?
Vegtam played tricks
On the seeress
Her dark prophecy told.
Oh Frigg
Determined Mother
Did you know?
You beseeched
Nearly all spirits,
To save your precious Baldur.
Oh Frigg
Prepared for everything
Did you know?
The gods rejoiced in sport,
Throwing even the mighty Mjölnir
Nothing could harm your beautiful son.
Oh Frigg
Sorrowful Hlín
Did you know?
Blind Höd heard
Loki’s whispers,
Overlooked mistletoe darkened the Nine Realms.
Oh Frigg
Seeress of All of our Fates
Did you know?
You never could have saved him.
The link to my blog post this is from: https://thunderwitchofthewoods.wordpress.com/2022/12/15/friggs-sorrow/
#heathen #frigg #frigga #norse #norsepagan #goddess #goddesses #poem #poetry #baldur #germanic
#heathen #Frigg #Frigga #Norse #NorsePagan #goddess #goddesses #poem #poetry #baldur #germanic
Did the contact between the Romans and the Germanic world spark a revolution in writing?
#germanic #runes #futhark #limes #paganism #heathenry #archeology
#germanic #runes #futhark #limes #paganism #heathenry #archeology
I absolutely adore the scholarship of Ronald Hutton, but am nearing the end of his published work on British paganism. Anyone have recommendations for similarly readable yet reliable pagan scholarship?
In particular, Hutton often contrasts the dearth (but by no means absence) of evidence for British pagan survivals with a relative abundance from, for example, Celtic and especially Nordic areas. Who is publishing (in English) good overviews of paganism in those areas?
#History #Prehistory #Archaeology #Paganism #Religion #ReligiousStudies #Anthropology #Nordic #Celtic #Germanic
#history #prehistory #archaeology #paganism #religion #religiousstudies #anthropology #nordic #celtic #germanic
What do:
the day of the week Wednesday
the name of the #Norse god Odin
and the #German adjective wütend (meaning 'angry')
all have in common?
They all go back to a #Germanic root 'wotan' meaning 'wrath' 'anger' fury'.
Odin was the Germanic god of wrath, the lord of frenzy.
In Old English, he was called Woden, Wednesday is simply 'Woden's Day.' Modern German says Mittwoch ('midweek') but keeps the original meaning of the root in the noun Wut and the adjective wütend.
Drop the mic, Jakob!
Glass vessel repaired with gold. From the Apahida grave, #Romania UPDATE & THREAD
This glass beaker was made in the Late #Roman Empire, and found in the 5th century grave that belonged probably to Gepids, an East #Germanic tribe. It's 17,5 cm high
The color photo shows that a strip of gold sheet was pressed onto the undamaged part of the vessel to pick up the pattern, then fixed on the damage with two strips of gold used as a frame and rivets passing through them.
#Numbers 1-10 being similar between #Germanic and #Celtic must've been very useful for #trade.
Proto-Germanic: ainaz twai þrīz fedwar fimfe sehs sebun ahtau newun tehun
Proto-Celtic: oinos dwau trīs kʷetwares kʷenkʷe suexs sextam oxtū nawan dekam (the kʷ became p in Gaulish/Brythonic)
Modern comparison
Eins zwei drei vier fünf sechs sieben acht neun zehn
Un dau tri pedwar pump chwech saith wyth naw deg
Bonus! #Walloon:
On deus trois cwate cénk shijh set ût noû dijh
#numbers #germanic #celtic #trade #german #welsh #walloon #language
A little story of early #archaeology for today's #SundayArchaeology …
Among the colourful frescos in #Zöbingen chapel (Baden-Württemberg, Germany), one is particularly fascinating:
Depicting the 13th century discovery of an even then old (i.e. 6th century) #Germanic burial.
#archaeology #sundayarchaeology #zobingen #germanic
Very important (🤭) update with the addition of the Tex(u)andri ...
#Etymologie #Etymology #Gothic #Gotisch #GotischeSprache #GothicLanguage #Linguistics #Sprachwissenschaft #Germanisch #GermanischeSprachen #GermanicLanguages #Germanic #Indogermanisch #IndoEuropean
#etymologie #etymology #gothic #gotisch #gotischesprache #gothiclanguage #linguistics #sprachwissenschaft #germanisch #germanischesprachen #germaniclanguages #germanic #Indogermanisch #indoeuropean
The massive ring from the tomb of an approximately 20 years old woman that was discovered in Stráže, today Krakovany #Slovakia, is an example how Germanic society adopted #Roman patterns.
The ring is made of gold with garnet, and transparent faceted glass, and is dated 3rd/4th century.
#Germanic #FemaleBurial
Pictures and info from: RING FROM THE ABUNDANT GRAVE I
#femaleburial #germanic #roman #slovakia