The Curse of the Hidden Vault (1964) is a typical early Rialto Edgar Wallace krimi. In other words it's hugely entertaining. Some good plot twists and visually impressive and imaginative, especially the wonderful hidden vault complex sets. Plus, Klaus Kinski!
My review:
#cultmovie #cultmovies #eurocult #eurocultmovie #eurocultmovies #60smovie #60smovies #1960smovie #1960smovies #krimi #krimis #EdgarWallace #KlausKinski #germanmovie #germanmovies #germancinema
#cultmovie #cultmovies #eurocult #eurocultmovie #eurocultmovies #60smovie #60smovies #1960smovie #1960smovies #krimi #krimis #edgarwallace #klauskinski #germanmovie #germanmovies #germancinema
The Hound of Blackwood Castle (1968), one of the later colour German Rialto Edgar Wallace krimis, with a bit of a Hound of the Baskervilles vibe this time. A visual delight, with the gothic trappings laid on extra thick. Hugely enjoyable.
My review:
#cultmovies #cultmovie #60smovie #60smovies #1960smovie #1960smovies #Germanmovies #Germanmovie #Germancinema #EdgarWallace #krimi #krimis
#cultmovies #cultmovie #60smovie #60smovies #1960smovie #1960smovies #germanmovies #germanmovie #germancinema #edgarwallace #krimi #krimis
Bit late to the game on this movie from 2021, but I just watched Maria Schrader‘s “Ich bin dein Mensch” (I'm Your Man), now streaming on the Channel 4 app. I imagine the major draw for many is Dan Stevens talking German as a dream lover robot, but for me it was Maren Eggert’s character that stood out. #SciFi #Romance #Film #GermanMovies #Channel4 #IchBinDeinMensch #ImYourMan #DanStevens #MariaSchrader #MarenEggert
#scifi #romance #film #germanmovies #channel4 #ichbindeinmensch #imyourman #danstevens #mariaschrader #mareneggert
Murderers Club of Brooklyn (1967), 5th of the German crime movies (set in the US) featuring G-Man Jerry Cotton. This time he's faced with a kidnapping. Some nasty twists in this one. Stylish, energetic and fun with a nice 60s vibe.
My review:
#cultmovies #cultmovie #60smovie #60smovies #1960smovie #1960smovies #Germancinema #crimemovie #crimemovies #JerryCotton #GeorgeNader #eurocult #eurocultmovie #eurocultmovies #Germanmovies #Germanmovie
#cultmovies #cultmovie #60smovie #60smovies #1960smovie #1960smovies #germancinema #crimemovie #crimemovies #jerrycotton #georgenader #eurocult #eurocultmovie #eurocultmovies #germanmovies #germanmovie
The Red Circle (1960), the second of Rialto's German Edgar Wallace krimis. There's a blackmail racket, a question of inheritance, a sexy bad girl and lots of murders. Well-paced, well-crafted, stylish and wildly and deliriously entertaining.
My review:
#classicmovies #classicmovie #1960smovie #1960smovies #cultmovies #cultmovie #eurocult #eurocultmovies #germancinema #germanmovie #germanmovies #krimis #EdgarWallace #krimi
#classicmovies #classicmovie #1960smovie #1960smovies #cultmovies #cultmovie #eurocult #eurocultmovies #germancinema #germanmovie #germanmovies #krimis #edgarwallace #krimi
Sissi (1955), the most famous and most successful entry in the German heimatfilm genre. If you’re in the mood for a lightweight feelgood fluffy romance with a fairytale vibe then this is just what you’re looking for.
It made Romy Schneider a star and she's adorable.
My review:
#heimatfilm #classicmovies #classicmovie #1950smovie #germancinema #germanmovie
#germanmovies #RomanceMovies #RomanceMovie #romance #fairytalemovie #fairytalemovies #RomySchneider
#heimatfilm #classicmovies #classicmovie #1950smovie #germancinema #germanmovie #germanmovies #romancemovies #romancemovie #romance #fairytalemovie #fairytalemovies #romyschneider
Joe May’s 1929 German silent film Asphalt, both the last gasp of German Expressionism and the first step on the road to film noir. A young cop is seduced into a noir nightmare world by a sexy jewel thief femme fatale.
Betty Amann's performance is a highlight.
Not pure noir but noirish.
My review:
#silentmovie #silentmovies #silentcinema #germanmovie #germanmovies #germancinema #GermanExpressionism #BettyAmann
#silentmovie #silentmovies #SilentCinema #germanmovie #germanmovies #germancinema #germanexpressionism #bettyamann
The Student of Prague was made in Germany in 1913. Inspired by both Edgar Allan Poe’s story William Wilson and the story of Faust. Despite its age it's fast-paced and dynamic and there's even location shooting.
Written/produced/directed by Paul Wegener.
A very effective horror film.
My review:
#horror #horrormovies #cultmovies #cultmovie #silentmovie #silentmovies #silentcinema #germanmovie #germanmovies #germancinema
#EdgarAllanPoe #Faust #PaulWegener
#horror #horrormovies #cultmovies #cultmovie #silentmovie #silentmovies #SilentCinema #germanmovie #germanmovies #germancinema #edgarallanpoe #faust #paulwegener