Aktuelle Publikation von #NetzwerkFluchtforschung Mitglied Christiane Fröhlich & Lea Müller-Funk über "Mobility control as state-making in civil war: Forcing exit, selective return and strategic laissez-faire" (Migration Politics).
Current publication by #GermanNetworkforForcedMigrationStudies member Christiane Fröhlich & Lea Müller-Funk on "Mobility control as state-making in civil war: Forcing exit, selective return and strategic laissez-faire" (Migration Politics).
#netzwerkfluchtforschung #germannetworkforforcedmigrationstudies
Publikation von #NetzwerkFluchtforschung Mitglied Annett Bochmann über "Public Camp Orders and the Power of Microstructures in the Thai-Burmese Borderland" erschienen in Rowman & Littlefield.
Publication by #GermanNetworkforForcedMigrationStudies member Annett Bochmann on “Public Camp Orders and the Power of Microstructures in the Thai-Burmese Borderland" published in Rowman & Littlefield.
#netzwerkfluchtforschung #germannetworkforforcedmigrationstudies
Publikation von #NetzwerkFluchtforschung Mitglied Benjamin Etzold, Albert Kraler und Nuno Ferreira über "Understanding the dynamics of protracted displacement" erschienen in der Forced Migration Review.
Publication by #GermanNetworkforForcedMigrationStudies member Benjamin Etzold, Albert Kraler and Nuno Ferreira on "Understanding the dynamics of protracted displacement" published in Forced Migration Review.
#netzwerkfluchtforschung #germannetworkforforcedmigrationstudies