Aktuelle Publikation von #NetzwerkFluchtforschung Mitglied Marcia C. Schenck und Kate Reed über "The Right to Research: Historical Narratives by Refugee and Global South Researchers" erschienen in McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Current Publication by #GermanNetworkofForcedMigrationStudies member Marcia C. Schenck und Kate Reed on "The Right to Research: Historical Narratives by Refugee and Global South Researchers" published by McGill-Queen’s University Press.
#netzwerkfluchtforschung #germannetworkofforcedmigrationstudies
Aktuelle Publikation von #NetzwerkFluchtforschung Mitglied Clara Schmitz-Pranghe über "The Role of Mobility, Networks and Assistance after return. Insights from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia" (Working Paper Series BICC).
Current Publication by #GermanNetworkofForcedMigrationStudies member Clara Schmitz-Pranghe on "The Role of Mobility, Networks and Assistance after return. Insights from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia" (Working Paper Series BICC).
#netzwerkfluchtforschung #germannetworkofforcedmigrationstudies
Aktuelle Publikation von #NetzwerkFluchtforschung Mitglied Clara Schmitz-Pranghe über "The Role of Mobility, Networks and Assistance after return. Insights from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia. Working Paper Series" (BICC).
Current Publication by #GermanNetworkofForcedMigrationStudies member Clara Schmitz-Pranghe on "The Role of Mobility, Networks and Assistance after return. Insights from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia. Working Paper Series" (BICC).
#netzwerkfluchtforschung #germannetworkofforcedmigrationstudies