Stirner's lecture notes of Hegel.
#stirner #hegel #germanphilosophy #philosophy
“Kant is a legislator, Fichte a judge, Schelling a seer. But Hegel has only one desire, that of appropriation. He returns constantly to the mysteries of eating.”
— Hans Urs von Balthasar, Prometheus: Studien zur Geschichte des Deutschen Idealismus
This might be my favorite bit of commentary on German philosophy. It's just funny. Will somebody feed these German philosophers?
#GermanPhilosophy #GermanIdealism #Hegel #Kant #Fichte #Schelling #Philosophy
#germanphilosophy #germanidealism #hegel #Kant #fichte #schelling #philosophy
#GermanPhilosophy Tribute
For all you pessimistic gloomy gusses:
Think life is a shit sandwich?
Then you will love Schopenhauer!
"Most of Schopenhauer can be understood by everyone. He uses examples and ideas that are not unfamiliar. Schopenhauer was once very popular, especially in Germany. It was said that German soldiers in 1914 marched with Schopenhauer books. They learned things are actually worse than Schopenhauer wrote in his books."
Hegel after writing his critique of Kant’s “perpetual peace.” #Hegel #Kant #germanidealism #philosophy #germanphilosophy #sociology #academia #academicmastodon #debate
#hegel #kant #germanidealism #philosophy #germanphilosophy #sociology #academia #academicmastodon #debate
@wildmandrake @philosophy @PhilosophicalPsychology
You're right, the Anglophone approach does tend to be very logic-centered; so-called Analytic #Philosophy
The #frenchphilosophy approach tends to be more interpretive and concerned with social and cultural phenomena
And then there's #Germanphilosophy which tries to do both and get the best of both worlds, and which usually ends up with the worst of both worlds (imho!)
And of course this is very generalizing and there are many exceptions and caveats
#philosophy #frenchphilosophy #germanphilosophy
The Phenomenologist, Edmund Husserl
#phenomenology #philosophy #germanphilosophy #husserl #germany
#phenomenology #philosophy #germanphilosophy #husserl #germany
I'm interested in far too many things for my own good but here are some of my primary interests you'll find on my profile:
#stirner #anarchy #history #philosophy #historyofphilosophy #germanphilosophy #deutsch #poetry #literature #art
I'm rereading #Kant for a referee report, and am once again dismayed and annoyed to find all sorts of plausible and interesting comments around the edges of the third Critique's discussion of art. :blobugh:
#kant #thirdcritique #critiqueofjudgment #germanphilosophy