RNA/protein condensates called "germ granules" are ubiquitous among animal #GermCells. @gavislab shows that #Drosophila #GermGranules initially protect RNAs but then become sites of selective mRNA degradation, supporting germ cell development #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3UxHmR7
#plosbiology #germgranules #drosophila #germcells
RNA/protein condensates called "germ granules" are ubiquitous among animal #GermCells. @gavislab shows that #Drosophila #GermGranules initially protect RNAs but then become sites of selective mRNA degradation, supporting germ cell development #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3UxHmR7
#plosbiology #germgranules #drosophila #germcells
RNA/protein condensates called "germ granules" are ubiquitous among animal #GermCells. @gavislab shows that #Drosophila #GermGranules initially protect RNAs but then become sites of selective mRNA degradation, supporting germ cell development #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3UxHmR7
#plosbiology #germgranules #drosophila #germcells
Glad and relieved to share on mastodon my first co-first work from one of my PhD projects with Eric Miska & Azim Surani. ☺️ Hope it’s a useful one: we team with Giorgia Battsitoni and Greg Hannon to investigate a prior observation of piRNAs in mPGCs in vitro.
Alas, we do not detect piRNAs in Day 6 mPGCLCs. https://www.cell.com/developmental-cell/fulltext/S1534-5807(22)00783-3
#piRNAs #GermCells #mPGC #mPGCLC #DevCell #MattersArising
#pirnas #germcells #mpgc #mpgclc #devcell #mattersarising
Conservation of oocyte development in germline cysts from Drosophila to mouse https://doi.org/10.7554/elife.83230 #oocyte #germline #germcells