Mes #semis ont germé ! Comme ma #serre n'est toujours pas opérationnelle, et que chez moi il fait trop sombre, je les ai emmenés chez mon maître de #stage qui les accueille dans sa serre.
#graines #plantes #plantules #germination
#agriculture #bio #maraîchage #JdF
#semis #serre #stage #graines #plantes #plantules #germination #agriculture #bio #maraichage #jdf
Good morning!☀️
*photo from 2016
#TodayisaGift #Monday #May #SpringinIllinois #DewDrops #Germination #EveryDaysaBlessing #ThankfulforToday
#todayisagift #monday #may #springinillinois #dewdrops #germination #everydaysablessing #thankfulfortoday
#Gene that confers #seed tolerance to #salinity identified.
#SCL30a #germination #ABA #stress
#gene #seed #salinity #scl30a #germination #aba #stress
An April 19th review of what has germinated and been identified in the front #meadow ( #BeeLawn ):
In order of prevalence.
Dwarf Farewell-to-Spring (Clarkia a.)
Baby blue-eyes (Nemophila menziesii) (Starting to bloom)
Seablush (Plectritis congesta)
White Meadowfoam (Limnanthes alba)
Blue-eyed Mary (Collinsia parviflora) (Blooming)
Miniature Lupine (Lupinus bicolor)
Yellow rattle (Rhinanthus minor)
A volunteer Geranium sp.
#NativePlants #germination #seeds #WashingtonState #PacificNorthwest
#meadow #beelawn #nativeplants #germination #seeds #washingtonstate #pacificnorthwest
No new blooms, but two more plants are joining the mess in the front #meadow ( #BeeLawn ):
Miniature lupine (Lupinus bicolor), a short (6") annual lupine. There are a lot of these poping up here and there
And yellow rattle (Rhinanthus minor), an annual semi-parasitic (on grasses) plant that grows to about a foot. So far, there are only two that I can see.
Both sown last September.
#annual #NativePlants #Lupinus #Rhinanthus #germination #seeds #WashingtonState #PacificNorthwest
#meadow #beelawn #annual #nativeplants #lupinus #rhinanthus #germination #seeds #washingtonstate #pacificnorthwest
These are some of the new #FoodPlants I will be #growing this season. I add a few new to me varieties, each year. These are all from my fave #SeedsSource - #SaanichOrganics - very high #germination rates. Way better than #Westcoast Seeds packs! #HighlyRecommend their #GMOfree seeds.
#MastodonGardeners #YYJgardeners #FoodGarden #GrowingFood #Wsanec #Saanich #VictoriaBC #yyj #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #BritishColumbia #Canada #Westcoast #FoodSecurity #SelfSufficiency #zone8
#foodplants #growing #seedssource #saanichorganics #germination #westcoast #highlyrecommend #gmofree #mastodongardeners #yyjgardeners #foodgarden #growingfood #wsanec #saanich #victoriabc #yyj #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #britishcolumbia #canada #foodsecurity #selfsufficiency #zone8
Last fall's seeding of the front yard #meadow ( #BeeLawn ) has its first blooms: Small Flowered Blue-eyed Mary (Collinsia parviflora).
It is a native winter annual with tiny blue flowers. I sowed it last October, and noticed its first blooms the first week of April, but given the lingering winter this year, I'd expect it earlier most years.
#Collinsia #FlowerPhoto #seeds #germination #annual #NativePlants #WashingtonState
#meadow #beelawn #collinsia #flowerphoto #seeds #germination #annual #nativeplants #washingtonstate
Cosmos germination. I thought, “Is this worthy of its own blog post? Nah, probably not.”
#gardening #containerGardening #seeds #germination #seedlings #plants #spring
#gardening #containergardening #seeds #germination #seedlings #plants #spring
Speculations on the failure of spring #wildflower seeding in Western WA.
4. For the first time since I began gardening here years before, I noticed a lot of slugs in the garden. They may have been attracted by all the little seedlings in the lawn. I'm told they can ruin a newly seeded meadow around here.
#wildflower #meadow #seeds #germination #nativeplants
Speculations on the failure of spring #wildflower seeding in Western WA.
2. Similarly, perennial seeds that require a long cold periods might germinate too late in the spring to establish before summer. In MN, summers are comparatively wet allowing such plants to survive.
3. I failed keep the grass short through the spring -- many young plants may have been smothered.
#wildflower #meadow #seeds #germination #nativeplants
Speculations on the failure of spring #wildflower seeding in Western WA.
1. Many of the seeds were of annuals (see list below). In a sort of Mediterranean climate like ours, annual wildflowers are almost all winter annuals. Without the whole winter to grow, spring seeded annuals do not get big enough to flower before the summer drought.
#wildflower #meadow #seeds #germination #nativeplants
Speculations on the failure of spring #wildflower seeding in Western WA.
1. Many of the seeds were of annuals (see list below). In a sort of Mediterranean climate like ours, annual wildflowers are almost all winter annuals. Without the whole winter to grow, spring seeded annuals do not get big enough to flower before the summer drought.
#wildflower #meadow #seeds #germination #nativeplants
I have a few hypotheses about why last springs seeding did so badly, but the big take away is: "In western Washington, don't spring seed #wildflowers -- fall only"
Winter and spring seeding works in Minnesota. In fact, winter seeding on snow is recommended (provided that it is not where the snow/seed might blow away). The main drawback to spring seeding is a few plants that require a long cold period might not germinate until late spring.
#wildflowers #meadow #prairie #seeds #germination #nativeplants
The dual face of #photoreceptors during #seed #germination.
#signalling #development #HEME_OXYGENASE_1
#photoreceptors #seed #germination #signalling #development #heme_oxygenase_1 #phytochromes
Rise and shine little soldiers! 🌱 #gardening #growyourown #veggies #germination
#gardening #growyourown #veggies #germination
Shiso mints are sprouting.🌱🌱🌱
I once sowed them in March last year, but not a single sprout didn't come out...🤢
It turned out that the shiso seeds need to experience a winter in moist condition to germinate,
so I retried and, ta-dah!🎉
#gardening #spring #sprouts #mint
#vegetables #hibernation #winter
#germination #temperature
#Japan #spice
#spice #japan #temperature #germination #winter #hibernation #vegetables #mint #sprouts #spring #gardening
My lavender has begun to germinate!! Welcome to Earth!
#herbs #germination #seeds
@nerdhof #Germination is a fun time when it’s cold and white outside. Gardeners can wonder what to do if the seeds in every #SoilBlock grow, or what to do if the peppers are prolific. We use #Fermentation of mixed hot pepper mash when we have a good year. Sometimes the harvest is small when the cutworms and rabbits take their share and then some.
#germination #soilblock #fermentation
"While reviewing the literature on #fire-released #seed #dormancy ( we became aware of limitations and disparities in current terminology ..." - Byron Lamont
So I helped Byron to make some clarification!
Seed dormancy revisited: dormancy-release pathways and environmental interactions #FuncionalEcology
#germination #PlantScience #PlantEcology @wildfirescience #fireecology #botany @plantscience
#botany #fireecology #PlantEcology #plantscience #germination #funcionalecology #Dormancy #seed #fire