Via Neville F Chamberlain @NevilleFChambe1
#SeanConnery, photographed here with co-stars #GertFröbe and #HaroldSakata during a break in filming on location at
@StokePark Club in Buckinghamshire, England for the #JamesBond film “GOLDFINGER” (1964)
#movies #goldfinger #seanconnery #gertfrobe #haroldsakata #jamesbond
#Movies #JamesBond #Goldfinger
Via Neville F Chamberlain @NevilleFChambe1
“GOLDFINGER” (1964) dir. Guy Hamilton
#movies #jamesbond #goldfinger #seanconnery #honorblackman #gertfrobe #haroldsakata
66 years ago:
He Who Must Die (FR,IT)
Original title: Celui qui doit mourir
Greece, in the 1920s, is occupied by the Turks. The country is in turmoil with entire villages uprooted. The site of the movie is a Greek village that conducts a passion play each year. The leading citizens of the town, under the auspices of the Patriarch, choose those that will play the parts in th...
#HeWhoMustDie #JeanServais #CarlMöhner #GertFröbe #ClassicFilm
#hewhomustdie #jeanservais #carlmohner #gertfrobe #classicfilm
Schon wieder Montag?
Der Titelsong von "Forsthaus Falkenau" war eigentlich für "Die #Schwarzwaldklinik" gedacht.
Die Serie war eine der ersten deutschen Fernsehproduktionen mit #Produktplatzierung (VW).
Das Gastschauspiel als hundertjähriger Patient in der Klinik war die letzte Rolle von #GertFröbe.
#Schwarzwaldklinik #produktplatzierung #gertfrobe #unnutzeswissen
57 years ago:
The Upper Hand (FR,DE,IT)
Original title: Du Rififi à Paname
In Paris, a gold smuggler is at war with other local gangsters who want piece of the action. Then the mob shows up and makes things worse. And an undercover US Treasury Department agent is trying to infiltrate the smuggling business.
#TheUpperHand #DenysdeLaPatellière #JeanGabin #GertFröbe #GeorgeRaft #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#theupperhand #denysdelapatelliere #jeangabin #gertfrobe #georgeraft #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
Aston Martin was initially reluctant to part with their cars for the production. The producers had to pay for the Aston Martin, after the success of the movie, they never had to spend money on a car again.
#Goldfinger released #OTD 1964 #SeanConnery #GertFrobe #HonorBlackman #Movies #WhatToWatch
#goldfinger #otd #seanconnery #gertfrobe #honorblackman #movies #WhatToWatch