About #converting to #Judaism: Judaism is not a religion, it is a #kehillah (tribe/family.) One can't "identify" as a Jew. One must go through #gerut ("conversion) to Judaism by
1. A course of study with a rabbi & Jewish teachers
2. Fulfilling the #mitzvah of #tevilah (immersion in a mikveh)
3. For men, circumcision or hatafat dam brit.
4. Joining a (real world, not social media) #synagogue, #havurah, kehillah
#converting #judaism #kehillah #gerut #mitzvah #tevilah #synagogue #havurah
Julius Lester was born the son of a black Methodist minister in the south. His book Lovesong is a beautifully written account of his spiritual journey away from the conventions of his Southern heritage and Methodist upbringing, culminating in his personal self-discovery through a conversion to Judaism.
#Mazeldon #Jewish #Judaism #gerut #conversion #Lovesong #JuliusLester
#Mazeldon #jewish #judaism #gerut #conversion #Lovesong #juliuslester
Yes, there is a place for online education. But online conversion programs are shady. They charge large amounts of money for “conversion certificates” rejected by all of the Jewish community. Reform, Conservative and Orthodox rabbis advise people away from programs such as PunkTorah, OneShul, Darsha Yeshiva, Patrick “Aleph” Beaulier; Chicago Conversion Beit Din, etc.
Synagogues are encountering some people who turned out to have purchased a conversion to Judaism from a website. Judaism, of any denomination, doesn’t recognize online conversions-for-purchase. What do we need to know about this? How can we help people obtain real conversions to Judaism?
#Jewdiverse #Mazeldon #Jewniverse
#Jewish #Judaism #Jews #gerut #conversion #conversiontoJudaism
#jewdiverse #Mazeldon #Jewniverse #jewish #judaism #jews #gerut #conversion #conversiontojudaism
Yesterday I sat on a beit din (rabbinical court) that welcomed 2 new Jews to the Jewish People. #WhatRabbisDo #Gerut #ConversionToJudaism
So, so happy.
#whatrabbisdo #gerut #conversiontojudaism
Interesting opinion piece about #ConversionToJudaism in the Times of Israel. I think the writer is correct but of course I would think that. #Mazeldon #Gerut
#conversiontojudaism #mazeldon #gerut