Some more pics of plants I almost killed. These are my remaining Gesneriads.
The African violet is from a gift basket- there were three that I potted up, but the others perished. I attempted leaf cuttings from the others, which sorta worked for a while, but now I just have the one.
I got the Streptocarpus at a garden center this summer. I had the mother plant outside for a bit before bringing it inside. These are cuttings I took to save it.
#planterday #plantodon #gesneriads #africanviolets
Interested in meeting other growers of #Gesneriads, especially #Streptocarpus, #Episcia and #AfricanViolets.
So many plants little time.
#gesneriads #streptocarpus #episcia #africanviolets
My latest haul of #Gesneriads from came in! (not a sponsor)
Back: #Nautilocalyx "Goteburg", #Drymonia cuyabonensis, #Paradrymonia campostyla, #Pachycaulus nummularia;
Middle: #Episcia "Pink Acajou", #Nematanthus "Tropicana", #Primulina "Rachel", #Pearcea schimpfii;
Front: #Lysionata serrulata, #Sinningia "HYC's Taurus", #Petrocosmea "Chidori", #Codonanthe devosiana "Paula"
#Plant #Plants #PlantPorn #ILikePlantsMoreThanPeople #PlantsOfTheFediverse #Gesneriad #Florespondence
#gesneriads #nautilocalyx #drymonia #paradrymonia #pachycaulus #episcia #nematanthus #primulina #pearcea #lysionata #sinningia #petrocosmea #codonanthe #plant #plants #plantporn #ilikeplantsmorethanpeople #plantsofthefediverse #gesneriad #florespondence