Two separate conversations sent me to #EdwardTufte's #BeautifulEvidence of the last day. P.161 had me thinking of #ConwaysLaw and #GoodTeaching for years. This page sent me to #McKeachies that gave me two more ideas to chew on: #GestaltPsychology's #DavidKatz's #MentalDazzle and #ThresholdConcepts for choosing what to teach while attempting a Minimalist Program....
The text on the wired page is missing some characters: readable but odd!
#ThresholdConcepts #MentalDazzle #DavidKatz #gestaltpsychology #McKeachies #GoodTeaching #ConwaysLaw #BeautifulEvidence #EdwardTufte
So excited for Thursday! Come and see the show!!
#amsfringe #howtodefendyourselffromdanger #selfdefense
#amsfringe #howtodefendyourselffromdanger #selfdefense #gestaltpsychology