Finally got around to starting Jeffrey Kripal's "Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion" that's been in the pile for a while. I just finished the section on Fritz Perls and had a sudden memory of being 15 and finding his biography "In and Out the Garbage Pail" in a library and taking it out to read. The whole #GestaltTherapy thing was mind blowing to my teen self, which loved the brutal honesty. My current self things that it was unnecessarily unkind, even if effective for some.
"Zum ersten Mal waren psychische Störungen die häufigste Ursache für eine Hospitalisierung bei den 10- bis 24-Jährigen (19 532 Fälle), gefolgt von Verletzungen (19 243 Fälle)."
#psyche #verletzung #psych #hospitalisierung #gestalttherapie #gestaltberatung #gestalttherapy #bfs #psychischestörung #schweiz
#psyche #verletzung #psych #hospitalisierung #gestalttherapie #gestaltberatung #gestalttherapy #bfs #psychischestorung #schweiz
@helenstlouis I've just been reading the Wikipedia page on #GestaltTherapy, to try and get a surface understanding. Some things which immediately seem to be reflected in #5Rhythms practice are:
- focus on present experience,
- intention to become more "creatively alive",
- re-forging relationship with aspects of ourselves that we have tried (consciously or unconsciously) to shut out.
@clarity99 Hello over there in Slovenia! Also gestalt therapist here :) Trained humanistically, but gestalt feels like home.
#gestalt #gestalttherapy