Less expensive perhaps but is that relative to wages in Malaysia by any chance?

We think it is a mistake to not converse about the ills of Corporation. It takes a few ppl to talk about this stuff before it sinks in and they explore ethical options.

Remember (Network Educate Organise Engage with power Disobey) in that order.

#fakebook #getNEOed

Last updated 1 year ago

This edit is brilliant, we'd like to thank a follower for sharing it with us.

@cy @icedquinn

#giveThemIdentityPolitics #occupy #getNEOed

Last updated 2 years ago

Dear ,

The term that you are looking for in relation to your "down-ranking" of alternative news is called .

Also consider the terms 'censorship', and 'siding-with genocidal racists'.


#duckduckgo #memoryHoling #georgeorwell #DuckDuckGone #closeRanks #getNEOed #mobilise #mobilize

Last updated 2 years ago

Well said. Its and based .

A lot of CEOs are rebranded generals. There's a huge cross-section that are actual too.

The suit and tie, and just helps them get away with their and behaviour.

Just wait till they try to introduce CentralBankDigitalCurrencies () and ban physical currency and crypto.

#banker #ceo #debtslavery #psychopaths #mediaTraining #kleptocratic #antisocial #cbdc #CBDCs #neofeudalism #getNEOed

Last updated 3 years ago

@harald @aral
While "cypherpunks write code" doesn't apply to the layperson, it is our duty to make it clear to our less-tech-minded friends, why we write code.

Also we cannot expect the less-tech-minded to holder policymakers' feet to the fire anyway.

Its up to us to help our friends navigate the mess.

A huge responsibility.

We produced a hashtag (#) fediFlyer, as one means of reaching people w on our bicycle commutes, for example'

The first steps in is network and educate.


Last updated 3 years ago

That is rather evil…

Breaking into phones means they are indeed colluding or influencing , , Google et al. This means they are helping criminals to use backdoors also, which means they are themselves and we must continue our peaceful agenda items.

Thanks for sharing.

#apple #samsung #criminals #getNEOed

Last updated 3 years ago

BUILD BACK BETTER: Better… for who?

In fascist in the 1930s, didn't build a tonne of blocks full of flats, to pile people into?

Sounds like the govt are inspired by leaders in recent .

Is it time we and riseup?

#italy #Musolini #australian #fascist #history #getNEOed #constructionCartel #gentrification #fascism #homeBuilderGrants #buildbackbetter #network #educate #organise #engage #disobey #riseup #citizensJury

Last updated 4 years ago

@seasharp @orekix @mlg
Our efforts seem to be paying off. They are getting shrill and are having to revive old tropes, to give us a so we will slave away and sacrifice ourselves for the .

Its of vital importance that we remain polite, courteous and nonViolent at all times while we help others .

#racist #YellowPeril #commonEnemy #neoFeudalists #getNEOed

Last updated 4 years ago

It's good to see that some in have been able to identify as a . Designed to enrich the , and the , while regular honest , , and the are left behind.

Good to see people hashtagging and but what did you make of those hashtags?

Did you actually ?

This is why we need and more using Tor and I2P.

#australia #jobkeeper #scam #powerElite #extremelyWealthy #Australians #casualWorkers #unemployed #lessFortunate #NoWorkersLeftBehind #wagesubsidyforall #organise #alternativemedia #getNEOed #inequality

Last updated 4 years ago

Will continue to use it? They will likely to collect data on users if we do.

This is part of how the are taking everything private. The whole idea is likely fraught due to the large amount of data and bandwidth needed. Maybe competition w is okay? But access?

Re yesterday we shared that more money is being "found" to hire on that platform.

We need to keep .


#osmand #techgiants #streetview #facebook #google #tor #wikipedia #propagandists #educating #i2p #bitcoin #getNEOed

Last updated 4 years ago

The lot must be loving these .

Rather than from the by switching to , the is giving the pushers are reason to print more .

"Get back to work now ! We just got all the fresh, new to ."

#mmt #protests #divesting #oppressor #bitcoin #protester #modernmonetarytheory #money #slaves #freeMoney #rebuild #moneyPrinterGoBrr #GIABO #getNEOed

Last updated 4 years ago