Less expensive perhaps but is that relative to wages in Malaysia by any chance?
We think it is a mistake to not converse about the ills of #FakeBook Corporation. It takes a few ppl to talk about this stuff before it sinks in and they explore ethical options.
Remember #GetNEOED (Network Educate Organise Engage with power Disobey) in that order.
This edit is brilliant, we'd like to thank a follower for sharing it with us.
#giveThemIdentityPolitics #occupy #getNEOed
Dear #DuckDuckGo,
The term that you are looking for in relation to your "down-ranking" of alternative news is called #memoryHoling.
Also consider the terms 'censorship', and 'siding-with genocidal racists'.
FURTHER READING: #GeorgeOrwell's 1984
#duckduckgo #memoryHoling #georgeorwell #DuckDuckGone #closeRanks #getNEOed #mobilise #mobilize
Well said. Its #banker and #CEO based #debtSlavery.
A lot of CEOs are rebranded generals. There's a huge cross-section that are actual #psychopaths too.
The suit and tie, and #mediaTraining just helps them get away with their #kleptocratic and #antisocial behaviour.
Just wait till they try to introduce CentralBankDigitalCurrencies (#CBDC) and ban physical currency and crypto.
#banker #ceo #debtslavery #psychopaths #mediaTraining #kleptocratic #antisocial #cbdc #CBDCs #neofeudalism #getNEOed
@harald @aral
While "cypherpunks write code" doesn't apply to the layperson, it is our duty to make it clear to our less-tech-minded friends, why we write code.
Also we cannot expect the less-tech-minded to holder policymakers' feet to the fire anyway.
Its up to us to help our friends navigate the mess.
A huge responsibility.
We produced a hashtag (#) fediFlyer, as one means of reaching people w on our bicycle commutes, for example'
The first steps in #GetNeoed is network and educate.
That is rather evil…
Breaking into phones means they are indeed colluding or influencing #Apple, #Samsung, Google et al. This means they are helping criminals to use backdoors also, which means they are #criminals themselves and we must continue our peaceful #GetNEOeD agenda items.
Thanks for sharing.
#apple #samsung #criminals #getNEOed
BUILD BACK BETTER: Better… for who?
In fascist #Italy in the 1930s, didn't #Musolini build a tonne of blocks full of flats, to pile people into?
Sounds like the #Australian govt are inspired by #fascist leaders in recent #history.
Is it time we #getNEOED and riseup?
#constructionCartel #gentrification #fascism #homeBuilderGrants #buildBackBetter #network #educate #organise #engage #disobey #riseup #citizensJury
#italy #Musolini #australian #fascist #history #getNEOed #constructionCartel #gentrification #fascism #homeBuilderGrants #buildbackbetter #network #educate #organise #engage #disobey #riseup #citizensJury
Poor America, stuck in that trashy #twoParty paradigm, and fake democracy fueled by #corporatist #warpigs.
Look's at #Australia. Oh shi-
#twoParty #corporatist #warpigs #australia #globalinsurrectionagainstbankeroccupation #GIABO #getNEOed
@seasharp @orekix @mlg
Our efforts seem to be paying off. They are getting shrill and are having to revive #racist old #YellowPeril tropes, to give us a #commonEnemy so we will slave away and sacrifice ourselves for the #neoFeudalists.
Its of vital importance that we remain polite, courteous and nonViolent at all times while we help others #GetNEOed.
#racist #YellowPeril #commonEnemy #neoFeudalists #getNEOed
It's good to see that some in #Australia have been able to identify #JobKeeper as a #scam. Designed to enrich the #powerElite, and the #extremelyWealthy, while regular honest #Australians, #casualWorkers, #unemployed and the #lessFortunate are left behind.
Good to see people hashtagging #NoWorkersLeftBehind and #WageSubsidyForAll but what did you make of those hashtags?
Did you actually #organise?
This is why we need #alternativeMedia and more using Tor and I2P.
#australia #jobkeeper #scam #powerElite #extremelyWealthy #Australians #casualWorkers #unemployed #lessFortunate #NoWorkersLeftBehind #wagesubsidyforall #organise #alternativemedia #getNEOed #inequality
Building an #alternativeMedia is important.
Keep in mind you may encounter the #jefferyEpsteinClass (read:#CIA) if you are in anyway successful.
#GetNEOED. #Network, #educate, #organise, later #engage with #power and #disobey.
#forcedNews #abcNews #auspol #ponziScheme #overdevelopment #exploitation #kevinRudd #kevinRuddCoup
#alternativemedia #jefferyEpsteinClass #cia #getNEOed #network #educate #organise #engage #power #disobey #forcedNews #abcnews #auspol #ponzischeme #overdevelopment #exploitation #KevinRudd #kevinRuddCoup
Will #Osmand continue to use it? They will likely to collect data on users if we do.
This is part of how the #techGiants are taking everything private. The whole #streetview idea is likely fraught due to the large amount of data and bandwidth needed. Maybe #Facebook competition w #Google is okay? But #Tor access?
Re #Wikipedia yesterday we shared that more money is being "found" to hire #propagandists on that platform.
We need to keep #educating.
#osmand #techgiants #streetview #facebook #google #tor #wikipedia #propagandists #educating #i2p #bitcoin #getNEOed
The #MMT lot must be loving these #protests.
Rather than #divesting from the #oppressor by switching to #bitcoin, the #protester is giving the #ModernMonetaryTheory pushers are reason to print more #money.
"Get back to work now #slaves! We just got all the fresh, new #freeMoney to #rebuild."
#mmt #protests #divesting #oppressor #bitcoin #protester #modernmonetarytheory #money #slaves #freeMoney #rebuild #moneyPrinterGoBrr #GIABO #getNEOed
You would think the #stockMarkets of the world would be plummeting amid the #protests but no, they are shooting up.
Could it be that the #BillGates', #JeffBezos' and #Google's of the world are protected by a network of corrupt central bankers?
Get N.E.O.e.d.
#Network, #Educate, #Organise, #Engage with leaders, #Disobey
#billionareClass #CEOclass #CEOs #giabo #NEOed #getNEOed #getlocal #activate #deleteBillionaires #deleteViolence #deleteMonopolies #breakUpTheOligarchy
#stockmarkets #protests #billgates #jeffbezos #google #network #educate #organise #engage #disobey #billionareClass #CEOclass #CEOs #GIABO #NEOED #getNEOed #getLocal #activate #deleteBillionaires #deleteViolence #deleteMonopolies #breakUpTheOligarchy
Not a joke about #coronavirus, because contagious illnesses are a problem...
But give a #thinkingPerson enough #time, and they they figure out how to do everything without #Microsoft and #Google.
#deleteMicrosoft #deleteGoogle #getNEOed #network #educate #organise #monopoly #oligarchy #endOfEmpire #endMassSurveillance #massSurveillance #bitcoin #sovereignty
#coronavirus #thinkingPerson #time #microsoft #google #deletemicrosoft #deletegoogle #getNEOed #network #educate #organise #monopoly #oligarchy #endOfEmpire #endMassSurveillance #masssurveillance #bitcoin #sovereignty